Interface IMetadataVisitor

public interface IMetadataVisitor
Performs an action on an IMetadataDS object.

Implementations of this interface are used to generate XML representations of each IMetadataDS in an IAggregateDS or to add metadata to an AggregateDefinition.

V. Moldovan
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    process(IMetadataDS datasource)
    This method should be invoked by the data layer to add a metadata definition.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(IMetadataDS datasource)
      This method should be invoked by the data layer to add a metadata definition. The process method will validate the data passed through the IMetadataDS and will construct a metadata definition based on the data. When an invalid implementation of the data source is passed to this method (for instance not a unique name) this method will throw an exception.
      datasource - Contains the information needed to construct a metadata definition.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the data passed is not valid.