Interface IInstanceReference

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChildInstance, InstanceReference, NamedInstance

public interface IInstanceReference extends Serializable
The instance reference interface exposes methods that can be used to identify an instance definition. There are tow type of instance references possible, and depending on the type of reference, certain methods in this interface will be relevant.
  • Named reference
    A named reference is a reference that identifies the instance definition it refers to by name and type.
  • Direct reference
    A direct reference is a reference that directly includes the definition of the instance it refers to.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the entity type of the instance this reference refers to.
    This method returns the instance definition of the instance that this reference refers to.
    This method returns the name of the instance this reference refers to.
    This method can be used to determine if this reference is a direct reference.
    This method can be used to determine if this reference is a named reference.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isNamedReference Link icon

      boolean isNamedReference()
      This method can be used to determine if this reference is a named reference. A reference is either a named reference or a direct reference, so either this method will return true or the isDirectReference method will return true, but never both.
      true when the reference refers to the definition by name and type.
    • isDirectReference Link icon

      boolean isDirectReference()
      This method can be used to determine if this reference is a direct reference. A reference is either a named reference or a direct reference, so either this method will return true or the isNamedReference method will return true, but never both.
      true when the reference contains the definition of the instance it refers to.
    • getEntityName Link icon

      String getEntityName()
      This method returns the entity type of the instance this reference refers to. This method is only applicable for named references. For a direct reference, this method will return a null value.
      The type of the instance that is referred to.
    • getInstanceName Link icon

      String getInstanceName()
      This method returns the name of the instance this reference refers to. This method is only applicable for named references. For a direct reference, this method will return a null value.
      The name of the instance that is referred to.
    • getInstanceDefinition Link icon

      IInstanceDefinition getInstanceDefinition()
      This method returns the instance definition of the instance that this reference refers to. This method is only applicable for direct references. For a named reference, this method will return a null value.
      The instance definition of the instance this reference refers.