Interface IApplicationConfig

All Superinterfaces:
IProject, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IApplicationConfig extends IProject
This interface exposes various application specific configuration settings.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • cachingEnabled

      boolean cachingEnabled()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if caching should be enabled for this application. When the method returns false, each new session will (re)load the application model from the data source.
      a boolean indicating if caching should be enabled for this application.
    • getApplicationMode

      ApplicationMode getApplicationMode()
      This function returns the current application mode. Never returns null
      The application mode for this application.
    • getAvailableFlows

      IFlowDetails[] getAvailableFlows()
      This method returns an array containing the flows that may be started in the application.
      an array containing the flows that may be started in the application.
    • wrapFailedElements

      boolean wrapFailedElements()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects.
    • outputFailedMasks

      boolean outputFailedMasks()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if failed masks must be included, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if mask that fails should be included in the expanded element