Interface IProcessEdgeDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XmlProcessEdgeDS, XmlProcessEdgeDS

public interface IProcessEdgeDS extends IReportingDS
This interface is used to initialize an edge between two nodes in a process flow.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the condition that is defined for the edge.
    This method returns the exit state the edge should connect to from the source node.
    This method returns the reevaluation event
    This method returns the sequence number of the edge.
    This method returns the ID of the node the edge originates from.
    This method returns the ID of the node to edge is directed to.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if this edge is used to define an exception exit.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the edge is used to define a timeout condition.

    Methods inherited from interface Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSourceNodeId Link icon

      GUID getSourceNodeId()
      This method returns the ID of the node the edge originates from.
      the id of the node the edge originates from.
    • getTargetNodeId Link icon

      GUID getTargetNodeId()
      This method returns the ID of the node to edge is directed to.
      the ID of the node to edge is directed to.
    • getSequenceNr Link icon

      long getSequenceNr()
      This method returns the sequence number of the edge. The sequence numbers of the edges connected to a node will be used to sort the edges on. The edge with the lowest sequence number will be processed first. If the order of the edges is not relevant, the value zero may be returned.
      The sequence number of the edge.
    • isTimerEdge Link icon

      boolean isTimerEdge()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the edge is used to define a timeout condition.
      boolean indicating if the edge is used to define a timeout condition.
    • isExceptionEdge Link icon

      boolean isExceptionEdge()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if this edge is used to define an exception exit.
      boolean indicating if this edge is used to define an exception exit.
    • getCondition Link icon

      String getCondition()
      This method returns the condition that is defined for the edge. A condition is only relevant for timer edges, and edges that originate from a split node.
      the condition that is defined for the edge.
    • getExitState Link icon

      String getExitState()
      This method returns the exit state the edge should connect to from the source node. If the edge should be connected to the default exit, the value null should be returned. The exit state is only relevant for edges that have a task or process as source node.
      The exit event from the source node that should be connected to.
    • getReevaluationEvent Link icon

      ReevaluationEvent getReevaluationEvent()
      This method returns the reevaluation event
      The reevaluation event