Interface ILanguageDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigLanguageDS, ConfigLanguageDS, LanguageDelegateDS, XmlLanguageDS, XmlLanguageDS

public interface ILanguageDS extends IReportingDS
Data source for the language. It specifies a language name and locale code. With the option of supplying format patterns for all data-types.
F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the (unique) code of the language, which can be in the form of a language-country code specification.
    This method should return the name of the value format that should be used to convert values of the specified type for this language.
    Returns a (unique) name for the specified language.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getCode

      String getCode()
      Returns the (unique) code of the language, which can be in the form of a language-country code specification. The country code specification is optional which renders a "en-GB" as a valid locale code. If one requires a specific language and country combination en-GB can be used.

      The language code comes from iso-639 table

      The country code comes from iso-3166 table

      The code string, which should never be null
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns a (unique) name for the specified language.
      A name which should be unique for the application and never be null or zero-length.
    • getFormatName

      String getFormatName(DataType type)
      This method should return the name of the value format that should be used to convert values of the specified type for this language.
      type - The type of the values for which the format name is requested.
      The name of the value format that should be used.