Interface IContainerEventContext

All Superinterfaces:
IEventContext, IPortalContext, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IContainerEventContext extends IEventContext
Context that is used in the handle of a dynamic container.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getContainerName

      String getContainerName()
      This method will return the name of the container that the dynamic container component was applied to. This name is thus equal to the name of the container as defined in the Everest Studio.
      The name of the container.
    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String name)
      This method will return the value for the parameter with the specified name. When no value was found for the given name, the null value will be returned.
      name - String containing the name of the parameter for which the value is requested.
      The value of the parameter for the specified name.
    • getParameters

      ITypedParameters getParameters()
      This method will return all the parameters defined for the container at once in a single object.
      Object containing all the parameters for the container.