Interface IFieldDS

All Superinterfaces:
IElementDS, IReportingDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldDelegateDS, FieldDS, ReportingFieldDS, XmlFieldDS, XmlFieldDS, XmlInlineFieldDS, XmlInlineFieldDS

public interface IFieldDS extends IElementDS
Interface for objects capable of providing the data to initialize a field (definition).
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeName

      String getAttributeName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute the field is defined for. The attribute name should consist of both the entity type and the actual name of the attribute (seperated by a dot).
      The name of the attribute the field is defined for.
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType()
      This method returns the data type of the field.
      The data type of the field.
    • getQuestionText

      IMultilingualText getQuestionText()
      The question text associated with this field. This text may contain plain TSL.
      The question text associated with this field.
    • getExplainText

      IMultilingualText getExplainText()
      The explain text associated with this field. This text may contain plain TSL.
      The explain text associated with this field.
    • isMultivalue

      boolean isMultivalue()
      Returns the cardinality of the field-values.
      the cardinality of the field-values
    • getRequiredCondition

      String getRequiredCondition()
      The condition that will determine if the element is required or not. Usually this condition will contain 'null' (not required), but is may also contain a complex expression returning a boolean. The required condition is at the moment only relevant for references to field elements.
      The condition that will determine if the element is required or not.
    • iterateValidations

      void iterateValidations(IFieldValidationVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the validations that should be present on the field, and add the information for them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the validations to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the validations could not be initialized.
    • iterateParameterValues

      void iterateParameterValues(IGlobalParameterValueVisitor visitor)
      Iterates over all parameters of the field and adds each parameter to the provided visitor.
      visitor - the visitor that receives the field's parameters
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the parameters could not be initialized.