Class XmlInlineFieldDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
IElementDS, IFieldDS, IReportingDS

public class XmlInlineFieldDS extends XmlFieldDS
Xml datasource implementation for an inline field. Important: an inline field should not have a name else is it not seen as an inline element (See AQR-845, and XmlFieldDSTestCase)
Danny Roest
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: IElementDS
      This method returns the (unique) name of the element. The name is required when adding the content as a definition to the composer, but it is optional when the element is added directly as inline sub-content.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IElementDS
      getName in class XmlFieldDS
      the (unique) name of the element.