Interface IApplication

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Application, PortalMessageApplication, ProcessEnabledApplication

public interface IApplication
The portal application contains the static data of an initialized application. The application interface may be used to spawn new session, or to request information about the application. This interface is exposed through the portal engine interface, and as such requires that all objects returned from this interface need to serializable.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getId

      ApplicationID getId()
      This method returns the ID of the application.
      The ID of the application.
    • createSession

      IPortalSession createSession()
      This method creates a new session object for the application specified.
      A new portal session for the specified application.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created.
    • createSession

      IPortalSession createSession(IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method creates a new session object for the application specified.
      messageBus - the message bus that should be used by the new session
      eventBus - the event bus that should be used by the new session
      A new portal session for the specified application.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created.
    • createSession

      IPortalSession createSession(Channel channel, IUserData user)
      This method creates a new session for this application. with the specified channel and user.
      channel - the channel for which the session is started
      user - the user of the client starting the session
      A new portal session for the specified application
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created
    • createSession

      IPortalSession createSession(Channel channel, IUserData user, IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method creates a new session for this application, with the specified message bus, event bus, channel and user.
      channel - the channel for which the session is started
      user - the user of the client starting the session
      messageBus - the message bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      eventBus - the event bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      A new portal session for the specified application
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created
    • createSession

      IPortalSession createSession(ModuleID moduleId, Channel channel, IUserData user, IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method creates a new session for this application and the specified module, with the specified message bus, event bus, channel and user
      moduleId - the module for which the session is created
      channel - the channel for which the session is started
      user - the user of the client starting the session
      messageBus - the message bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      eventBus - the event bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      A new portal session for the specified application
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created
    • createNonInteractiveSession

      IPortalSession createNonInteractiveSession(IUserData user, IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method creates a new session for this application, with the specified message bus, event bus, channel and user.
      user - the user of the client starting the session
      messageBus - the message bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      eventBus - the event bus that will be shared between this session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      A new portal session for the specified application
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be created
    • getConfiguration

      IApplicationConfig getConfiguration()
      This method returns an object containing the application specific configuration settings.
      an object containing the application specific configuration settings.
    • getMonitor

      IApplicationMonitor getMonitor()
      This method will return an application monitor object containing information about this portal application.
      The portal monitor of the portal engine
    • restoreSession

      IPortalSession restoreSession(String sessionXml, IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method may be used to restore a session from an XML containing a saved session state.
      sessionXml - XML containing a saved session state.
      messageBus - the message bus that will be shared between the restored session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      eventBus - the event bus that will be shared between the restored session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      An initialized session ready for use.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be restored.
      See Also:
    • restoreSession

      IPortalSession restoreSession(ISessionState sessionState, IPortalMessageBus messageBus, IPortalEventBus eventBus)
      This method may be used to restore a session from binary data containing a saved session state.
      sessionState - Data containing a saved session state.
      messageBus - the message bus that will be shared between the restored session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      eventBus - the event bus that will be shared between the restored session and any related (parent or child) sessions
      An initialized session ready for use.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the session could not be restored.
      See Also:
    • isProcessEnabled

      boolean isProcessEnabled()
      This method returns whether processes are enabled for the application
      True when this application supports processes, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getProcessEngine

      IProcessEngine getProcessEngine()
      This method returns the process engine for the current application.
      The process engine for the application.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the application does not support processes.
      See Also:
    • getWebServices

      IWebServices getWebServices()
      This method returns the exposed web services for this application.
      The exposed web services, never null.