Class EntityInstanceDelegate


public abstract class EntityInstanceDelegate extends Object
Simple wrapper class that can be used as base class for entity instance wrappers. This class forwards all method calls to the wrapped instance, and has no additional behavior defined.
Jon van Leuven
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityInstanceDelegate

      public EntityInstanceDelegate(IEntityInstance delegate)
  • Method Details

    • addEventListener

      public boolean addEventListener(IEventListener listener)
    • addValue

      public boolean addValue(String attributeName, ISingleValue singleValue)
    • clearValue

      public boolean clearValue(String attributeName)
    • getAttributeState

      public IAttributeValue getAttributeState(String attributeName)
    • getEntityDefinition

      public IEntityDefinition getEntityDefinition()
    • getId

      public GUID getId()
    • getInstanceReference

      public EntityValue getInstanceReference()
    • getInstanceValue

      public IEntityInstance getInstanceValue(String attributeName)
    • getInstanceValues

      public IEntityInstance[] getInstanceValues(String attributeName)
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getProperty

      public IValue getProperty(String name)
    • getReferringInstances

      public InstanceReferrer[] getReferringInstances()
    • getSupportedEvents

      public int getSupportedEvents()
    • getValue

      public IValue getValue(String attributeName)
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(String name)
    • instanceOf

      public boolean instanceOf(String entityName)
    • isDeleted

      public boolean isDeleted()
    • isSingletonInstance

      public boolean isSingletonInstance()
    • isStaticInstance

      public boolean isStaticInstance()
    • removeEventListener

      public boolean removeEventListener(IEventListener listener)
    • removeValue

      public boolean removeValue(String attributeName, ISingleValue singleValue)
    • setProperty

      public boolean setProperty(String name, IValue propertyValue)
    • setValue

      public boolean setValue(String attributeName, Object objValue)
    • getEntityInstance

      protected IEntityInstance getEntityInstance()