Interface IDecisionTreeNodeDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XmlDecisionTreeNodeDS, XmlDecisionTreeNodeDS

public interface IDecisionTreeNodeDS extends IReportingDS
This data source is used during initialization to retrieve the information of a single tree node.
F. van der Meer
  • Method Details

    • getConditionEntity

      String getConditionEntity()
      Returns the question entity, child nodes have the question attribute set.
      the question entity, child nodes have the question attribute set.
    • getConditionAttribute

      String getConditionAttribute()
      Returns the question attribute, child nodes have the question attribute set.
      the question attribute, child nodes have the question attribute set.
    • getConditionAlternative

      String getConditionAlternative()
      If the node has a condition alternative, the parent-node's condition attribute has to be set.
      the alternative value that should be used in conjunction with the parents condition.
    • iterateNodes

      void iterateNodes(ITreeNodeVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over the child node(s) of this node, and add them to the provided visitor.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the nodes to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the nodes could not be initialized.
    • getLinkAssetName

      String getLinkAssetName()
      This method should return the name of the asset this node is linked to. If the node is not linked to an asset, the method should return null.
      the name of the asset this node is linked to.
    • getLinkAssetFormat

      String getLinkAssetFormat()
      This method should return the format that should be used for the linked asset. This method will only be invoked for nodes that are linked to an asset.
      the format that should be used for the linked asset.
    • getLinkContainerName

      String getLinkContainerName()
      This method should return the name of the container this node is linked to. If the node is not linked to a container, the method should return null.
      the name of the container this node is linked to.
    • getLinkAttribute

      String getLinkAttribute()
      This method should return the name of the attribute this node is linked to. If the node is not linked to an attribute, the method should return null.
      the name of the attribute this node is linked to.
    • getLinkEntity

      String getLinkEntity()
      This method should return the name of the entity of the linked attribute. This method will only be invoked for nodes that are linked to an attribute.
      the name of the entity of the linked attribute.
    • getLinkAttributeValueExpression

      String getLinkAttributeValueExpression()
      This method should return the expression for the value the linked attribute. This method will only be invoked for nodes that are linked to an attribute.
      the expression for the value the linked attribute.
    • getLinkTreeName

      String getLinkTreeName()
      This method should return the name of the tree this node is linked to. If the node is not linked to a tree, the method should return null.
      the name of the tree this node is linked to.