Interface CaseEngineClient

public interface CaseEngineClient
Note that this file has a template for .NET Conversion
  • Method Details

    • createCaseAsync

      void createCaseAsync(IUserData userData, ILanguage language, ApplicationID applicationId, ModuleID moduleId, String createMessageEventName, com.blueriq.customerdata.api.v1.model.AggregateModel dossierAggregateModel, com.blueriq.customerdata.api.v1.model.AggregateModel metadataAggregateModel, String processMapping, String reference)
      Creates a new case by firing the defined message event and creating case aggregates.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      language - Object containing information about the current language
      applicationId - The ID of the application
      moduleId - The ID of the module
      createMessageEventName - The name of the message event used to create the case in the process engine
      dossierAggregateModel - An AggregateModel that contains the Case Data Aggregate
      metadataAggregateModel - An AggregateModel that contains the Case Aggregate
      processMapping - The process mapping to execute after case creation
      reference - The functional reference for the case
    • startTaskSync

      StartTaskResultModel startTaskSync(IUserData userData, String caseId, long taskId, String languageCode)
      Starts a task in the Case Engine
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      caseId - The ID of the case for which the task will be started
      taskId - the ID of the task that will be started
      languageCode - the language code of the current session
      responseModel Object containing the response data from the Case Engine
    • completeTaskAsync

      void completeTaskAsync(IUserData userData, AggregateModels aggregateModels, String caseId, long taskId, String taskName, String taskExitType, String taskExitLabel)
      Updates the case aggregates after a task has been completed.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      aggregateModels - The process case data aggregates
      caseId - The ID of the case for which the task has been completed
      taskId - the ID of the task that has been completed
      taskName - the name of the task
      taskExitType - the exit-type of the task exit
      taskExitLabel - the label of the task exit
    • abortTaskAsync

      void abortTaskAsync(IUserData userData, String caseId, long taskId)
      Updates the case aggregates after a task has been aborted.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      caseId - The ID of the case for which the task has been aborted
      taskId - the ID of the task that has been aborted
    • abortTaskWithoutUnlockingSync

      void abortTaskWithoutUnlockingSync(IUserData userData, String caseId, long taskId)
      reverts the status of the task in the case engine back to open without removing the case lock.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      caseId - The ID of the case for which the task has to be reverted
      taskId - the ID of the task that has to be reverted
    • assignTaskAsync

      void assignTaskAsync(IUserData userData, String caseId, long taskId, Set<String> userIdsToAssign, Set<String> rolesToAssign, Set<String> teamsToAssign)
      Assigns a task
      userData - the data of the current user
      caseId - the case id
      taskId - the task id
      userIdsToAssign - the userIds to assign, if this is set then rolesToAssign and teamsToAssign should be empty
      rolesToAssign - the roles to assign if this is set, the userIdsToAssign should be empty
      teamsToAssign - the teams to assign if this is set, the userIdsToAssign should be empty
    • throwMessageEventSync

      Set<String> throwMessageEventSync(IUserData userData, ApplicationID applicationId, String messageEventName, Map<String,Object> messageEventFields, Set<String> specificCaseIds)
      Throws a message event to the process engine and gets the cases that are affected returned.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      applicationId - The ID of the application
      messageEventName - The name of the message event which is thrown
      messageEventFields - the fields of the message event
      specificCaseIds - The case ids this message event is for (optional)
      the case ids which are affected by this message event
    • throwMessageEventAsync

      void throwMessageEventAsync(IUserData userData, ApplicationID applicationId, String messageEventName, Map<String,Object> messageEventFields, Set<String> specificCaseIds)
      Throws a message event to the process engine without waiting for any result
      userData - Object containing information about the current user
      applicationId - The ID of the application
      messageEventName - The name of the message event which is thrown
      messageEventFields - the fields of the message event
      specificCaseIds - The case ids this message event if for (optional)
    • getCaseInfoSync

      GetCaseInfoResultModel getCaseInfoSync(String caseId, String languageCode)
      Get the case info
      caseId - The ID of the case
      languageCode - the language code of the current session
      the info of the case with the displayName in the language of the current session
    • getTaskInfoSync

      GetTaskInfoResultModel getTaskInfoSync(String caseId, long taskId, String languageCode, List<String> customFieldKeys)
      Get the task info
      caseId - the ID of the case
      taskId - The ID of the task
      languageCode - the language code of the current session
      customFieldKeys - the names of the additional custom defined fields for a task
      the info of the task with the displayName in the language of the current session
    • readCase

      ReadCaseResultModel readCase(String caseId)
      Retrieves the Case Dossier for a specific case
      caseId - the ID of the case
      The metadata and dossier aggregates that belong to the case.