Class DMNDecisionTree


public class DMNDecisionTree extends Object
This class holds the justification information for a DMN decision.
T. Middeldorp
  • Constructor Details

    • DMNDecisionTree

      public DMNDecisionTree(ValueReference reference, IValue value, SourceType sourceType, DefaultRuleType defaultRuleType, String ruleName, String justificationTextId)
      Constructs a DMN decision tree for the specified value.
      reference - The value for which the DMN decision tree is constructed.
      value - the value
      sourceType - the source type
      defaultRuleType - the default rule type
      ruleName - the rule name
      justificationTextId - The justificationTextId that was used.
    • DMNDecisionTree

      public DMNDecisionTree(IExpression expression, IValue value, String description)
      Constructs a DMN decision tree for the specified expression
      expression - the expression for which the DMN decision tree is constructed
      value - the value
      description - the description
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public IValue getValue()
      This method returns the value for this decision tree
      the value for this decision tree, may not be null
    • getExpression

      public IExpression getExpression()
      This method returns the expression for which the DMN decision tree was created
      the expression for which the DMN decision tree was created, may be null only if the DMN decision tree was created for a value reference
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      This method return the description of the expression for which the DMN decision tree was created
      the description of the expression, may be null only if the DMN decision tree was created for a value reference
    • getValueReference

      public ValueReference getValueReference()
      This method returns the value reference for which the DMN decision tree was created.
      the value reference for which the DMN decision tree was created, may be null only if the DMN decision tree was created for an expression
    • getSourceType

      public SourceType getSourceType()
      Returns the source type of the value.
      The source type, may be null only if the DMN decision tree was created for an expression
    • getDefaultRuleType

      public DefaultRuleType getDefaultRuleType()
      Returns the default rule type of the value.
      The default rule type, may not be null
    • getRuleName

      public String getRuleName()
      This method returns the name of the rule that was used to source the value.
      the name of the rule which source the value, may be null
    • getJustificationTextId

      public String getJustificationTextId()
      This method returns the justification text id of the inferred value. The text id may be used to expand/lookup a text element (usually an asset or content item).
      the justification text of the inferred value, may be null
    • setUsedValues

      public void setUsedValues(DMNDecisionTree[] usedValues)
      This method may be used to set the DMN decision trees of the values that were used to inference the value of this tree.
      usedValues - The array of DMN decision trees that were used to inference the value of this tree.
    • getUsedValues

      public DMNDecisionTree[] getUsedValues()
      This method returns an array with justification information for the values that were used to determine the value belonging to this DMN decision tree.
      an array with justification information for the values that were used to determine the value belonging to this DMN decision tree.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object