Interface ITaskModel

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public interface ITaskModel extends Serializable
This interface defines the properties of a task from database.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getId

      long getId()
      this method returns the database ID of the task.
      the database ID of the task.
    • getCaseId

      long getCaseId()
      This method returns the database ID of the case the task belongs to.
      the database ID of the case the task belongs to.
    • getParentId

      Long getParentId()
      This method returns the database ID of the parent task (group or process).
      the database ID of the parent task.
    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the name or description of the task.
      The name or description of the task, never null.
    • getType

      TaskType getType()
      This method returns the type of the task.
      The type of the task, never null.
    • getStatus

      TaskStatusType getStatus()
      This method returns the status of the task.
      the status of the task, never null.
    • getAssigneeInfo

      IAssigneeInfo getAssigneeInfo()
      This method returns the assignee info to whom the task is assigned.
      the assignee info to whom the task is assigned.
    • getExecutedBy

      String getExecutedBy()
      This method returns the user who executed the task
      the user who executed the task, can be null if the task has not been executed yet
    • getNodeId

      GUID getNodeId()
      This method returns the ID of the node from the process that defines this task.
      the ID of the node from the process that defines this task.
    • getStartDate

      DateTimeValue getStartDate()
      This method returns the date when the task should become available.
      the date when the task should become available.
    • getTimeoutDate

      DateTimeValue getTimeoutDate()
      This method returns the time(stamp) at which a timeout will occur for this task.
      the time(stamp) at which a timeout will occur for this task.
    • getDueDate

      DateTimeValue getDueDate()
      This method returns the time(stamp) at which this task should be completed
      the time(stamp) at which this task should be completed
    • getExitState

      String getExitState()
      This method returns the exit state from when the task completed.
      the name of the exit state of the task.
    • getEventName

      String getEventName()
      This method returns the name of the event on which this task is waiting.
      the name of the task on which this event is waiting.
    • isConditional

      boolean isConditional()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the task is conditional or not. Conditional tasks are usually not part of a process, and may be removed by the process engine whenever the condition of the task no longer satisfies.
      a boolean indicating if the task is conditional or not.
    • isRequired

      boolean isRequired()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the task is volatile or not. A volatile task may be removed quietly once it's (non volatile) parent task has completed. A task that is non volatile must be completed before the process may continue.
      boolean indicating if the task is volatile or not.
    • getCustomFields

      String[] getCustomFields()
      This method returns the names of all the custom fields that have a value for this task
      String[] containing the field names
    • getCustomFieldValue

      String getCustomFieldValue(String name)
      This method returns the value of a custom field
      name - the custom field name
      null if the field does not exist or has no value for this task
    • getPriority

      Integer getPriority()
      This method returns the priority of this task.
      the priority of this task.
    • getLastPriorityCheck

      DateTimeValue getLastPriorityCheck()
      This method returns when the last priority check is done.
      the last time checked.
    • getUnauthorizedUserIds

      String[] getUnauthorizedUserIds()
      Returns the ids of the user unauthorized to execute the task.
      the ids of the user unauthorized to execute the task.
    • getDisplayName

      IDisplayNameModel getDisplayName(String languageCode)
      Returns the IDisplayNameModel for the specified language code. If none is set, then it will return null
      languageCode - the code of the language for which the display name needs to be retrieved
      the display name model if it exists
    • getDisplayName

      IMultilingualText getDisplayName()
      The multi-lingual of the display name.
    • isUserSet

      boolean isUserSet()
      whether the assignee of the task is set manually by an user or by routing algorithm
    • toTraceTaskDTO

      TraceTaskDto toTraceTaskDTO()
      Converts ITaskModel implementation to DTO which is used for tracing