Interface ITreeEngine

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ITreeEngine
The tree engine which is initialized to full capacity after load. It can evaluate a decision tree until questions need to be asked or a solution is found. This class is not serializable.
F. van der Meer
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getTreeByName Link icon

      IDecisionTree getTreeByName(String name)
      Retrieves the tree by it's name.
      name - The name of the decision tree that is requested.
      the decision tree when found.
      DecisionTreeException - when the tree could not be found.
    • getTreeNames Link icon

      String[] getTreeNames()
      Retrieves the tree names.
      the names of all the decision trees, never null, may be an empty array.
    • searchDecisionTrees Link icon

      ISearchResult searchDecisionTrees(String symptomText, ILanguage language, int maximumResults, double threshold)
      This function will search all Decision Trees and try to find the best matching tree matching to the symptomText. Standard this function will return up matching decision trees.
      symptomText - A symptom text of at least 1 character.
      language - The language that should be used when searching for a matching symptom.
      maximumResults - indicates what the maximum results count should be, this number is expected to be 1 or larger.
      threshold - the minimum score of the matched decision tree
      A search result object holding the matching trees and their scores.
    • searchDecisionTrees Link icon

      ISearchResult searchDecisionTrees(String symptomText, ILanguage language, int maximumResults, double threshold, boolean returnNonExposedTrees, IUserData userData)
      This function will search all Decision Trees and try to find the best matching tree matching to the symptomText. Standard this function will return up matching decision trees.
      symptomText - A symptom text of at least 1 character.
      language - The language that should be used when searching for a matching symptom.
      maximumResults - indicates what the maximum results count should be, this number is expected to be 1 or larger.
      threshold - the minimum score of the matched decision tree
      returnNonExposedTrees - boolean whether to return decision trees that are not exposed as a webservice.
      userData - user data object which contains information about the current user.
      A search result object holding the matching trees and their scores.
    • evaluateWith Link icon

      ITreeResponse evaluateWith(String treeName, IAnswers answers, InferenceContext context)
      Evaluate a decision tree with the context passed. The answers interface will instruct the tree engine to skip asking certain questions and continue down the tree until it can find an answer.
      treeName - The decision tree that should be evaluated.
      answers - The answers that have been given so far.
      context - current context.
      The response can never be null
      AppException - This exception is throw when the tree could not be evaluated.