Interface IRuleDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBusinessRuleDS, IDataRuleDS, IDecisionTableDS, IDefaultRuleDS, IExternalRuleDS, IValidationDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultExternalRuleDS, ReportingBusinessRuleDS, ReportingDataRuleDS, ReportingDecisionTableDS, ReportingDefaultRuleDS, ReportingExternalRuleDS, ReportingValidatorDS, ValidationDelegateDS, ValidationDS, XmlBusinessRuleDS, XmlBusinessRuleDS, XmlDataRuleDS, XmlDataRuleDS, XmlDecisionTableDS, XmlDecisionTableDS, XmlDefaultRuleDS, XmlDefaultRuleDS, XmlExternalRuleDS, XmlExternalRuleDS, XmlRuleDS, XmlRuleDS, XmlValidationDS, XmlValidationDS

public interface IRuleDS extends IReportingDS
Interface that contains all the methods that each data-source providing inference rules should implement.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns an array containing the names of the rule groups the rule belongs to.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getRuleGroupNames

      String[] getRuleGroupNames()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the rule groups the rule belongs to. If the rule does not belong to a specific rule group, the returned value may either be null or an empty array. Rules that belong to a rule group will only be evaluated when one (or more) of the rule groups are active. Rule groups are sometimes referred to as rule clusters.
      an array containing the names of the rule groups the rule belongs to.