Interface IDataRuleDS

All Superinterfaces:
IReportingDS, IRuleDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReportingDataRuleDS, XmlDataRuleDS, XmlDataRuleDS

public interface IDataRuleDS extends IRuleDS
Data source interface for data rules that may be used to inference a value for attributes.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the name of (resource) connection that is used by this data rule.
    This method returns the name of the data rule.
    This method returns the type name of this data rule.
    This method will be invoked by the data rule to request the information of all conditions (also known as criteria) that are defined for this data rule.
    This method should iterate all the justification texts that are available for this rule, and add them to the supplied visitor.
    This method will be invoked by the data rule to request the information of all targets (also known as goals) that are defined for this data rule.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface com.aquima.interactions.rule.ds.IRuleDS

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the name of the data rule.
      the name of the data rule.
    • getConnectionName

      String getConnectionName()
      This method returns the name of (resource) connection that is used by this data rule.
      the name of the (resource) connection, may not be null.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method returns the type name of this data rule. (for now only "csvDataRule" can be returned as type name)
      the type name of the data rule.
    • iterateConditions

      void iterateConditions(IConditionVisitor visitor)
      This method will be invoked by the data rule to request the information of all conditions (also known as criteria) that are defined for this data rule.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the condition definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when there is an error processing the conditions.
    • iterateTargets

      void iterateTargets(ITargetVisitor visitor)
      This method will be invoked by the data rule to request the information of all targets (also known as goals) that are defined for this data rule.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the target definitions to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when there is an error processing the target.
    • iterateJustifications

      void iterateJustifications(IJustificationVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate all the justification texts that are available for this rule, and add them to the supplied visitor.
      visitor - The visitor to which the justifications of this rule should be added.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when an invalid justification is added.