Class TypedParameterValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
ITypedParameterValue, Serializable

public class TypedParameterValue extends Object implements ITypedParameterValue
This class represents a parameter value.
A. Pragt, J. Hermus
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(String key, IExpression expression)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an IExpression type as its value.
      key - The key for this value.
      expression - The IExpression type value for this object.
    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(String key, IValue value)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an IValue type as its value.
      key - The key for this value.
      value - The IValue type value for this object.
    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(String key, String referenceName)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an String type as its value.
      key - The key for this value.
      referenceName - The String type value for this object.
    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(IExpression expression)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an IExpression type as its value.
      expression - The IExpression type value for this object.
    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(IValue value)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an IValue type as its value.
      value - The IValue type value for this object.
    • TypedParameterValue

      public TypedParameterValue(String referenceName)
      Initializes a newly created TypedParameterValue with an String type as its value.
      referenceName - The String type value for this object.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Description copied from interface: ITypedParameterValue
      This method returns the key of this typed parameter value. The key is typically used as a label for a value.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface ITypedParameterValue
      The key, can not be null.
    • getExpression

      public IExpression getExpression()
      Description copied from interface: ITypedParameterValue
      This method returns the expression of this typed parameter when this is an expression parameter.
      Specified by:
      getExpression in interface ITypedParameterValue
      The expression, can be null.
    • getValue

      public IValue getValue()
      Description copied from interface: ITypedParameterValue
      This method returns the value of this typed parameter when this is an value parameter For multivalued parameters this method will return an IListValue.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ITypedParameterValue
      The value, can be null.
    • getReferenceName

      public String getReferenceName()
      Description copied from interface: ITypedParameterValue
      This method returns the name of an object this parameter is referring to when this is an reference parameter I.e a button name
      Specified by:
      getReferenceName in interface ITypedParameterValue
      The name of the referring object, can be null.