Interface ITypedParameterValue

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public interface ITypedParameterValue extends Serializable
This interface defines the contract of parameter values in a dictionary.
J. Hermus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the expression of this typed parameter when this is an expression parameter.
    This method returns the key of this typed parameter value.
    This method returns the name of an object this parameter is referring to when this is an reference parameter I.e a button name
    This method returns the value of this typed parameter when this is an value parameter For multivalued parameters this method will return an IListValue.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      String getKey()
      This method returns the key of this typed parameter value. The key is typically used as a label for a value.
      The key, can not be null.
    • getExpression

      IExpression getExpression()
      This method returns the expression of this typed parameter when this is an expression parameter.
      The expression, can be null.
    • getValue

      IValue getValue()
      This method returns the value of this typed parameter when this is an value parameter For multivalued parameters this method will return an IListValue.
      The value, can be null.
    • getReferenceName

      String getReferenceName()
      This method returns the name of an object this parameter is referring to when this is an reference parameter I.e a button name
      The name of the referring object, can be null.