Package com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.def
package com.aquima.interactions.portal.model.def
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class contains the definition model of a dynamic container.The dynamic container visitor that is used during initialization to add all dynamic containers that are available through the data source.Service manager implementation that can detect infinite looping service calls.This class holds a single mask definition.The mask call visitor that is used during initialization to add all mask calls that are available through the data source.IValueMask implementation that uses an IMaskCall internally.Visitor for handling parameter values backwards compatibility.Visitor used by service calls and container expanders to gather the actual parameter values.This class holds a single reference parameter.This class holds the static definition of a service call.Class containing an event for a service call.The service call visitor that is used during initialization to add all service calls that are available through the data source.This class is used to gather the exit events of a service call.This class contains the (typed) parameters for a service or container expander.This class represents a parameter value.This class holds a single value parameter.