All Implemented Interfaces:
IElementRenderer, IXmlElementRenderer

public class XmlDocument extends XmlDocumentRendererBase

This class converts an IDocument implementation to an XML node for document xml generation.

Since IDocument is a composite element all its children will be renderer to xml as well.

For example rendering a document item with a content style "document" will result in:

 <DOCUMENT language="nl-NL" portalengine-version="7.1.12 [5100] (Rudy Van Snick)"/>

For example rendering a document item with a presentation style "style" will result in:

 <DOCUMENT style="style" language="nl-NL" portalengine-version="7.1.12 [5100]
 (Rudy Van Snick)"/>
Jon van Leuven
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • XmlDocument Link icon

      protected XmlDocument(boolean tagsToUpperCase, String rendererName)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • toXml Link icon

      public IXmlElement toXml(IXmlRendererContext ctx, IElement element)
      Description copied from interface: IXmlElementRenderer
      This function allows one to convert an IElement instance to an XML element. The implementor of this function should only convert the element itself and not it's children as the caller will process these. (Unless ctx.setContinueChildProcessing( false ) has been called)
      ctx - The context which contains some information and control options.
      element - The element which should be converted.
      an XMLElement class or null indicating this element should not be included in the resulting xml.