Interface IField

All Superinterfaces:
IElement, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IField extends IElement
Interface for a runtime field object representing an attribute.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • isRequired

      boolean isRequired()
      This method will return true when the field is required.
      boolean indicating if the field is required.
    • getValue

      IValue getValue()
      This method returns the value of the field.
      The current value of the field.
    • isRefreshField

      boolean isRefreshField()
      This method return a boolean indicating if a change in value should posted.
      Boolean indicating if a change in the field should trigger a refresh action.
    • getDisplayLength

      int getDisplayLength()
      This method return the maximum length for the field.
      The maximum length of the field, or -1 for unlimited.
    • getValidations

      IFieldValidation[] getValidations()
      This method returns the validations that are defined for this field. The validations may be performed at the client side (for instance using javascript), but will also be performed at the server side.
      the validations that are defined for this field.
    • getMessages

      IMessage[] getMessages()
      This method will return the error or waning messages applicable to this field. When there are no messages (either because there has not been a change yet, or the value is valid) this method will return an empty array.
      Error and/or warning messages associated with the field.
    • getRejectedValue

      Serializable getRejectedValue()
      This method will return the rejected value in case there are warnings or errors applicable to this field. When there is no rejected value this method will return a null pointer.
      The value of the field that did not pass the validation(s).
    • getDomain

      IDomainValue[] getDomain()
      This method will return the set of values that are currently valid for this field. When the field is not restricted to a set of values, this method will return the value null.
      Array containing all the values that are allowed for this field.
    • getDomainValues

      IDomainValue[] getDomainValues()
      This method will return the set of values that are available for this field. The method isCurrentlyValid of the returned values may be used to check if the value should be allowed to be chosen. When the field is not restricted to a set of values, this method will return the value null.
      Array containing all the values that are allowed for this field.
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType()
      Returns the data type of the field.
      The data type of the field.
    • isMultiValue

      boolean isMultiValue()
      The cardinality of the field.
      Boolean indicating if multiple values are allowed for this field.
    • getExplainText

      IMultilingualText getExplainText()
      Get the explain text for this field.
      Text object containing an explanation of the field.
    • getQuestionText

      IMultilingualText getQuestionText()
      Get the question text for this field. The question text is usually used in the interface instead of the name of the field.
      Text object containing the question text of the field.
    • getParameters

      IGlobalParameterValue[] getParameters()
      Returns the evaluated parameters of this field.
      an array containing the parameters of this field, may be empty but never null.