All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IQuery
The query class represents a database query that can be executed on the connection is was created for. This class hides the platform specific database classes like PreparedStatement. After creating a query, the various set methods may be used to provide the values for the (optional) parameters in the query. Note: The parameters should be added in the same order as specified in the query.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method should be used to close the query once it is no longer used.
    This method will execute the query and return an object that can be used to iterate over the results of the query.
    This method will execute the query and return the number of rows that were affected by the query.
    This method returns the ID of the last inserted record (if available).
    setBoolean(boolean booleanValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    setBytes(byte[] content)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call to null; Making this function order dependent.
    setDate(Date dateValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    setDouble(double doubleValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    setFloat(float floatValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    setInteger(int integerValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    setLong(long longValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call to null; Making this function order dependent.
    setParameters(List<Object> parameters)
    Set multiple parameters.
    setString(String stringValue)
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
    Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
  • Method Details

    • close

      void close()
      This method should be used to close the query once it is no longer used. The close method should be invoked to release external resources claimed by the query.
    • execute

      IQueryResult execute()
      This method will execute the query and return an object that can be used to iterate over the results of the query. For update queries (insert, delete, etc...) use the executeUpdate method.
      Object that can be used to iterate over the result of the query.
    • executeUpdate

      int executeUpdate()
      This method will execute the query and return the number of rows that were affected by the query.
      The number of rows that were updated.
    • getIdentity

      long getIdentity()
      This method returns the ID of the last inserted record (if available).
      the ID of the last inserted record.
    • setParameters

      void setParameters(List<Object> parameters)
      Set multiple parameters. The parameters list passed to this method does not have to be an uniform list of parameters. Parameters may be mixed. Note: The parameters passed to this method is an List due to the .NET conversion.
      parameters - a non-null list of parameters containing ( String, Long, Integer ... ) objects.
    • setBoolean

      void setBoolean(boolean booleanValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      booleanValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setDate

      void setDate(Date dateValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      dateValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setDateValue

      void setDateValue(DateValue dateValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      dateValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setDateTimeValue

      void setDateTimeValue(DateTimeValue dateTimeValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      dateTimeValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setDouble

      void setDouble(double doubleValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      doubleValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setFloat

      void setFloat(float floatValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      floatValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setInteger

      void setInteger(int integerValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      integerValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setLong

      void setLong(long longValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      longValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setString

      void setString(String stringValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      stringValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setStringValue

      void setStringValue(StringValue stringValue)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call; Making this function order dependent.
      stringValue - The value that should be set at the specified index.
    • setNull

      void setNull(DataType type)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call to null; Making this function order dependent.
      type - The type of the column that should be set to null.
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(byte[] content)
      Sets an object on the query after the position of the last setter call to null; Making this function order dependent.
      content - The value that should be set at the specified index.