Interface IReferenceDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReferenceDelegateDS, ReferenceDS, ReportingReferenceDS, XmlInlineReferenceDS, XmlInlineReferenceDS, XmlReferenceDS, XmlReferenceDS

public interface IReferenceDS extends IReportingDS
This interface provides the information needed to include an element on a container or in a document.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the format that should be used when the reference is pointing to an asset (text).
    This method returns the action of a button reference.
    This method returns the event of a button reference.
    This method returns the optional condition expression that should be evaluated to determine if the element that is referred to should be included.
    The containment determines can override the content style in which an element is shown.
    This method may be implemented to indicate that an instance is created when the value of the relation is empty.
    This method returns the maximum length of the element that is referred.
    This method returns an optional display text for this reference, for example to overwrite the display text of a container (when this reference refers to a container).
    This method returns the image height.
    This method returns the mask call of the element that is referred.
    Returns the precondition for a presentationStyle.
    The containment determines the styles in which an element is shown.
    The condition that will determine if the element that is referred is shown read only.
    This method returns the optional repeat expression that should be used to determine the context of the element.
    This method returns the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on that where returned from the context expression.
    This method returns the type of the element that is referred to.
    This method returns the image width.
    This (temporary) method describes if the element is linked via a relation attribute.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if a 'refresh' event should be generated when the value of the referred element changes.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted in ascending order.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getTargetType

      ElementType getTargetType()
      This method returns the type of the element that is referred to.
      The type of the element that is referred to.
    • getPresentationStyles

      String[] getPresentationStyles()
      The containment determines the styles in which an element is shown. A unique element can be included in different containers, but shown in different styles. The styles is sometimes also referred to as the format of the element.
      The styles in which the element should be shown.
    • getPresentationStyleCondition

      String getPresentationStyleCondition(String presentationStyle)
      Returns the precondition for a presentationStyle.
      presentationStyle - The name of the presentationStyle, not null.
      The precondition, or null in case no precondition was defined.
    • getContentStyle

      String getContentStyle()
      The containment determines can override the content style in which an element is shown.
      The content style in which the element should be shown.
    • getReadonlyCondition

      String getReadonlyCondition()
      The condition that will determine if the element that is referred is shown read only. Usually this condition will contain either 'true' or 'false', but is may also contain a complex expression returning a boolean.
      The condition that will determine if the element that is referred is shown read only.
    • getCondition

      String getCondition()
      This method returns the optional condition expression that should be evaluated to determine if the element that is referred to should be included.
      The condition expression that determines if the referred element item is applicable.
    • isRefreshElement

      boolean isRefreshElement()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if a 'refresh' event should be generated when the value of the referred element changes. The refresh property is usually only relevant for field and button elements.
      boolean indicating if a 'refresh' event should be generated when the value of the referred element changes.
    • getCreateInstanceForEmptyRelation

      boolean getCreateInstanceForEmptyRelation()
      This method may be implemented to indicate that an instance is created when the value of the relation is empty.
      boolean indicating if empty relations should trigger the creation of an instance.
    • getButtonActions

      String[] getButtonActions()
      This method returns the action of a button reference.
      the action of a button reference.
    • getButtonEvent

      String getButtonEvent()
      This method returns the event of a button reference.
      the event of a button reference.
    • getAssetFormat

      String getAssetFormat()
      This method returns the format that should be used when the reference is pointing to an asset (text).
      the format that should be used when the reference is pointing to an asset (text).
    • getDisplayLength

      IntegerValue getDisplayLength()
      This method returns the maximum length of the element that is referred. This property is usually used for containments referring field elements. This method should return null or unknown when reference refers to an element that has no display length.
      This method returns the maximum length of the element that is referred.
    • getMaskCallName

      String getMaskCallName()
      This method returns the mask call of the element that is referred. This property is usually used for containments referring field elements.
      This method returns the mask call name of the element that is referred.
    • getRepeatExpression

      String getRepeatExpression()
      This method returns the optional repeat expression that should be used to determine the context of the element. The repeat expression can be a relation attribute containing the instance that should be active when evaluating the content item that is referred to.
      The expression that should be used to determine the context.
    • getSortAttribute

      String getSortAttribute()
      This method returns the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on that where returned from the context expression. When no attribute is specified, the instances will be sorted on ID. This method is only relevant when a context expression has been specified.
      the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on that where returned from the context expression.
    • sortAscending

      boolean sortAscending()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted in ascending order. This method is only relevant when a context expression has been specified.
      a boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted in ascending order.
    • isLinkedViaRelationAttribute

      boolean isLinkedViaRelationAttribute()
      This (temporary) method describes if the element is linked via a relation attribute. For example two containers that are linked via a relation attribute. In the future this will be replaced by a repeat expression.
      Boolean indicating if the reference is a link via a releation attribute.
    • getHeight

      IntegerValue getHeight()
      This method returns the image height.
      Image height (may be null)
    • getWidth

      IntegerValue getWidth()
      This method returns the image width.
      Image width (may be null)
    • getDisplayText

      IMultilingualText getDisplayText()
      This method returns an optional display text for this reference, for example to overwrite the display text of a container (when this reference refers to a container).
      The optional display text.