Class CompositeDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPortalEngineDS, IProcessManagerDS

public final class CompositeDS extends Object implements IPortalEngineDS, IProcessManagerDS
Portal engine data source implementation that may be used to combine several data sources. This class is final, as it should be wrapped instead of extended.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Constructor Details

    • CompositeDS

      public CompositeDS(IAquimaConfiguration configuration)
      Constructs the data source with the required arguments.
      configuration - The configuration that should be used.
  • Method Details

    • setDatasources

      public void setDatasources(Map<String,IPortalEngineDS> nameToDatasource)
      This method may be used to set the data sources of this composite. The key of the map should be the name of the datasource, and the value the actual datasource implementation.
      nameToDatasource - Map containing the data sources that should be combined by this composite.
    • getProjectLoader

      public IApplicationDS getProjectLoader(ApplicationID id, IInitializationReport report)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method provides the data-source for the specified project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectLoader in interface IPortalEngineDS
      id - An identifier of the project for which the data-source is requested.
      report - The report that should be used to add initialization messages to.
      a new data-source that can provide the data needed to initialize an application.
    • getDefaultFactoryManager

      public IFactoryManager getDefaultFactoryManager()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return the default factory manager for the portal engine (required).
      Specified by:
      getDefaultFactoryManager in interface IPortalEngineDS
      the default factory manager for the portal engine (required).
    • getDefaultResourceManager

      public IResourceManager getDefaultResourceManager()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return the default resource manager for the portal engine (required).
      Specified by:
      getDefaultResourceManager in interface IPortalEngineDS
      Specified by:
      getDefaultResourceManager in interface IProcessManagerDS
      the default resource manager for the portal engine (required).
    • iterateApplications

      public void iterateApplications(IApplicationVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should invoke the visitor for each application that this data-source can provide.
      Specified by:
      iterateApplications in interface IPortalEngineDS
      visitor - Application visitor that can be used to add the available applications to.
    • getTimer

      public ITimer getTimer()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return a time implementation to act on timed events.
      Specified by:
      getTimer in interface IPortalEngineDS
      Specified by:
      getTimer in interface IProcessManagerDS
      the timer implementation (required).
    • getUserScopeDao

      public IUserScopeDao getUserScopeDao()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method returns the user scope dao that is responsible for storing user specific data across applications and sessions
      Specified by:
      getUserScopeDao in interface IPortalEngineDS
      The user scope dao, may not be null
    • getModuleLoader

      public IProcessModuleDS getModuleLoader(ModuleID id)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessManagerDS
      This method provides the data-source for the specified process module. The getModuleLoader method is mainly invoked to reload the model of a process engine.
      Specified by:
      getModuleLoader in interface IProcessManagerDS
      id - An identifier of the module for which the data-source is requested.
      a new data-source that can provide the data needed to initialize a process engine.
    • iterateModules

      public void iterateModules(IModuleVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessManagerDS
      This method should iterate over all the process modules, and add each module to the provided visitor.
      Specified by:
      iterateModules in interface IProcessManagerDS
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the process modules to.