Interface IListColumn

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICaseListColumn, IInstanceListColumn, IListColumnWithAttributeReference, IListColumnWithPresentationStyles, IListColumWithMetadata, IWorkListColumn
All Known Implementing Classes:
InstanceListColumn, XmlCaseListColumn, XmlWorkListColumn

public interface IListColumn extends Serializable
This interface describes the configuration per column.
Nicky van Noorloos
  • Method Details

    • getHeaderTextItem

      String getHeaderTextItem()
      This method returns the header text item used for this column.
      The name of the text item, may be null.
    • getSortAscending

      BooleanValue getSortAscending()
      This method returns if the column is used for sorting and the sort direction.
      • unknown: no sorting
      • true: sort ascending
      • false: sort descending
      Indicator if this column is used for sorting, may be null for columns that only contain a button.
    • getMaskCallName

      String getMaskCallName()
      This method return the optional mask that should be applied to this columns value.
      The mask call name, optional, may be null.
    • getButtonName

      String getButtonName()
      This method return the button name of a button that should trigger the start task event.
      The button name, may be null when this column does not contain a start task button.
    • getButtonEvent

      String getButtonEvent()
      This method returns the button event for a button column.
      The button event, may be null.
    • getButtonActions

      String[] getButtonActions()
      This method returns the button actions for a button column.
      The button actions, may be null.
    • getVisibleCondition

      ICondition getVisibleCondition()
      This method returns the optional condition determining if the column should be displayed.
      The visibility condition of the column, may be null.
    • getFilterOperator

      ConditionOperator getFilterOperator()
      This method returns the optional filter operator.
      The filter operator of the column, may be null.
    • getFilterExpression

      IExpression getFilterExpression()
      This method returns the optional filter expression. The result of the expression is compared with the value of the cell. When the values differ, the complete row is discarded.
      The filter expression of the column, may be null.
    • getColumnIndex

      int getColumnIndex()
      Returns the index of this column. The first column in the list has index 0.
      the index of this column
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType()
      Returns the datatype of the column