Interface IObjectDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityDelegate, TslObjectDefinition

public interface IObjectDefinition
Interface to retrieve information of a compound object.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the data type of the value.
    This method returns the name of the type the value belongs to.
    This method will return the value definition of the member-value identified by the specified name.
    Returns whether this object is a singleton defined object.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      DataType getType()
      This method returns the data type of the value.
      the data type of the value.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method returns the name of the type the value belongs to. The type name is only relevant for values which belong to a domain or entity.
      the name of the type the value belongs to.
    • getValueDefinition

      IValueDefinition getValueDefinition(String name)
      This method will return the value definition of the member-value identified by the specified name. If the specified name does not identify a member value of this compound object, a parse exception may be thrown. example: getDefinition( "person.address.housenumber" ); ValueNode( "person.address.housenumber" ); ObjectNode( "person", new ObjectNode( "address", new ValueNode( "housenumber" ) ) ) Second structure is preferred:
      • Each FieldNode represents a call to getValue in the IValueSource interface (parsing only needed here, and not during evaluation)
      • The value cannot be requested at once through the IValueSource interface, as the objects that are traversed to get at the ValueNode may need to be activated.
      getValue( "person.address.housenumber" ); getValue( "person" ).getValue( "address" ).getValue( "housenumber" );
      name - The name of the member value for which the definition is requested.
      The value definition of the member with the specified name.
      ParseException - This type of exception may be thrown when the name does not identify a known type.
    • isSingleton

      boolean isSingleton()
      Returns whether this object is a singleton defined object.
      A boolean indicating this object is singleton.