Interface IMatchDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IMatchDefinition
This interface defines the methods that define how an attribute should be matched.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method is invoked to convert a value object to a matchable demand value.
    This method returns the name of the attribute for which these match settings are defined.
    This method returns the threshold that should be used as default when the match request does not specify a threshold for the attribute.
    This method returns the unknown percentage that should be used as default when the match request does not specify an unknown percentage for the attribute.
    This method returns the weight that should be used when matching the attribute when no weight value is provided by the match request.
    This method returns the name of the attribute that should be used as modifier for the score of this attribute.
    This method returns the match function that will be used to match the attribute.
    This method returns the requirement that should be met before a match may be initiated for this attribute.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the attribute this match definition is defined for can have multiple values.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the attribute should be matched reversed.
    This method is invoked to convert a value object to a matchable supply value.
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeName

      String getAttributeName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute for which these match settings are defined.
      the name of the attribute for which these match settings are defined.
    • getMasterAttributeName

      String getMasterAttributeName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute that should be used as modifier for the score of this attribute. When a master attribute has been specified, the score of this attribute will be multiplied by (percentage wise) with the score of the master attribute. In effect this means that this attribute can never score higher than its master attribute, thus creating a dependency between the two.
      the name of the attribute that should be used as modifier for the score of this attribute (may be null).
    • getDefaultWeight

      int getDefaultWeight()
      This method returns the weight that should be used when matching the attribute when no weight value is provided by the match request.
      The weight that should be used as default when matching the attribute.
    • getDefaultThresholdPercentage

      int getDefaultThresholdPercentage()
      This method returns the threshold that should be used as default when the match request does not specify a threshold for the attribute.
      The threshold that should be used when matching the attribute.
    • getDefaultUnknownPercentage

      int getDefaultUnknownPercentage()
      This method returns the unknown percentage that should be used as default when the match request does not specify an unknown percentage for the attribute.
      The unknown percentage that should be used when matching the attribute.
    • isReverseMatch

      boolean isReverseMatch()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the attribute should be matched reversed. A reverse match means that the supply and demand values are switched, so the case value (demand) will be matched against the profile value (supply).
      a boolean indicating if the attribute should be matched reversed.
    • getMatchFunction

      IMatchFunction getMatchFunction()
      This method returns the match function that will be used to match the attribute. The match function might be wrapped with a multivalue matcher, depending on the strategy.
      The match function that should be used to match the attribute.
    • getRequirementType

      RequirementType getRequirementType()
      This method returns the requirement that should be met before a match may be initiated for this attribute.
      the requirement that should be met before a match may be initiated for this attribute.
    • demandValueFor

      IMatchValue demandValueFor(IValue obj)
      This method is invoked to convert a value object to a matchable demand value.
      obj - The value object that should be converted.
      The demand value for the object value.
    • supplyValueFor

      IMatchValue supplyValueFor(IValue obj)
      This method is invoked to convert a value object to a matchable supply value.
      obj - The value object that should be converted.
      The supply value for the object value.
    • isMultivalue

      boolean isMultivalue()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the attribute this match definition is defined for can have multiple values.
      Boolean indicating if the attribute can have multiple values.