Interface IApplicationConfiguration

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public interface IApplicationConfiguration extends IConfiguration
This interface defines the methods that should be implemented by an object defining an application specific configuration.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Indicating if models should be cached on the server.
    This method returns the application mode the application should run in.
    This method may return an application specific connection manager.
    getFormatName(String languageCode, DataType type)
    This method should return the value format name of the format defined in Studio that should be used to convert values of this type for the specified language.
    This method returns the version of the parser that should be used.
    This method returns the case DAO that should be used by the process engine.
    This method returns an array containing definitions of the custom business rules for the application.
    This method returns the timeline DAO that should be used by the trace engine.
    This method returns the trace DAO that should be used by the trace engine.
    This method returns an array containing value format definitions that were added in the application configuration.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the context of a container should be read-only during the expand phase.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if a document may contain failed elements, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
    Represents the down casting function for decision tables, since studio 5 allows one for correctly defining decision-tables.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if failed masks must be included in the expanded element, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.

    Methods inherited from interface com.aquima.interactions.ds.IConfiguration Link icon

    getFactoryManager, getResourceManager
  • Method Details Link icon

    • cachingEnabled Link icon

      boolean cachingEnabled()
      Indicating if models should be cached on the server.
      a boolean indicating if application models should be cached.
    • wrapFailedElements Link icon

      boolean wrapFailedElements()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects.
    • isContinueOnFailedDocument Link icon

      boolean isContinueOnFailedDocument()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if a document may contain failed elements, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if a document may contain failed elements.
    • outputFailedMasks Link icon

      boolean outputFailedMasks()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if failed masks must be included in the expanded element, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      a boolean indicating if mask that fails should be included in the expanded element.
    • getApplicationMode Link icon

      ApplicationMode getApplicationMode()
      This method returns the application mode the application should run in.
      the application mode the application should run in.
    • isContextImmutableFor Link icon

      boolean isContextImmutableFor(String name)
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the context of a container should be read-only during the expand phase.
      name - The container type name for which the immutable setting is requested.
      a boolean indicating if the context of a container should be read-only during the expand phase.
    • getValueFormatDefinitions Link icon

      ValueFormatDefinition[] getValueFormatDefinitions()
      This method returns an array containing value format definitions that were added in the application configuration. Normally all the value formats should be specified in Studio, but the application configuration may choose to add custom value formats to override the default format from studio.
      An array containing value format definitions that were added in the application configuration.
    • getFormatName Link icon

      String getFormatName(String languageCode, DataType type)
      This method should return the value format name of the format defined in Studio that should be used to convert values of this type for the specified language.
      languageCode - The language code for which the format name is requested.
      type - The data type for which the format name is requested.
      The name of the value format that should be used for this language type combination.
    • isTargetDownCastingEnabled Link icon

      boolean isTargetDownCastingEnabled()
      Represents the down casting function for decision tables, since studio 5 allows one for correctly defining decision-tables. This feature is a configuration option for users wanting to enable backwards compatibility.

      Historical background:
      The 4.2 model allows rules to be defined with source attributes that belong to a more specific entity than the entity of the target attributes. In order to 'correctly' handle these rules the target attributes need to be down-casted to the more specific entity type.

      The default recommended value for this function is false.
      A boolean indicating the old down-casting feature should be enabled.
    • getParserVersion Link icon

      String getParserVersion()
      This method returns the version of the parser that should be used. At the moment there are two parser versions available:
      • Version 6.x and lower, which will accept most expressions including various obsolete R4 constructions.
      • Version 7.x or higher, which will accept only valid R6 expressions and additions made for R7.
      The version of the parser that should be used.
    • getConnectionManager Link icon

      IConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
      This method may return an application specific connection manager. The connection manager will be available in the context of the services and containers to request predefined connections.
      an application specific connection manager.
    • getRuleDefinitions Link icon

      RuleDefinition[] getRuleDefinitions(String moduleName)
      This method returns an array containing definitions of the custom business rules for the application. The rule factory is used to locate the actual implementation of the rules. Once the custom business rules can be defined in studio, this method will become obsolete.
      moduleName - The name of the module that contains the rules.
      an array containing definitions of the custom business rules for the application.
    • getProcessCaseDao Link icon

      IProcessCaseDao getProcessCaseDao()
      This method returns the case DAO that should be used by the process engine. By default an in-memory DAO will be used. This method is only relevant for applications using a process engine, and will probably be deprecated once the process engine can be configured separate from the applications using it.
      The case DAO that should be used by the process engine.
    • getTraceDao Link icon

      ITraceDao getTraceDao()
      This method returns the trace DAO that should be used by the trace engine. By default an in-memory DAO will be used.
      The trace DAO that should be used by the trace engine.
    • getTimelineCreator Link icon

      ITimelineCreator getTimelineCreator()
      This method returns the timeline DAO that should be used by the trace engine. By default an in-memory DAO will be used.
      The timeline DAO that should be used by the trace engine.