Class FlowScopeDelegate

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDisposableScope, IFlowScope, IPortalScope, Serializable

public class FlowScopeDelegate extends Object implements IFlowScope
Utility class to allow for easy wrapping of a flow scope implementation.
Jon van Leuven
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FlowScopeDelegate

      public FlowScopeDelegate(IFlowScope scope)
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeNames

      public String[] getAttributeNames()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method returns an array containing all the names of the attribute that have a value in this scope.
      Specified by:
      getAttributeNames in interface IPortalScope
      array containing all the names of the attribute that have a value in this scope.
    • getFlowName

      public String getFlowName()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowScope
      This method returns the name of the flow this scope belongs to.
      Specified by:
      getFlowName in interface IFlowScope
      The flow name, never null or empty.
    • hasAttribute

      public boolean hasAttribute(String key)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will check if an attribute with the specified key has been added to this scope. The key name of the attribute is not case sensitive.
      Specified by:
      hasAttribute in interface IPortalScope
      key - Name of the attribute that should be checked (mandatory).
      boolean indicating if a value is present for the specified attribute key.
    • getAttribute

      public Serializable getAttribute(String key)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will return the value that has been added to this scope for the specified attribute key. When there is no value present for the specified key, a null value will be returned.
      Specified by:
      getAttribute in interface IPortalScope
      key - Name of the attribute for which the value is requested (mandatory).
      The value for the specified key, or null when there is no value present.
    • clearAttribute

      public Serializable clearAttribute(String key)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will remove the value from the scope for the specified key, and returns the value that has been removed. When there is no value present for the specified key, the method invocation has no effect, and a null value will be returned.
      Specified by:
      clearAttribute in interface IPortalScope
      key - Name of the attribute of which the value should be removed (mandatory).
      The value that was removed from the scope, or null when there was no value defined for the specified key.
    • setAttribute

      public Serializable setAttribute(String key, Serializable attrValue)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will set the value in the scope under the specified key, and will return the value that might have been replaced by this action. When there was no value present for the specified key, a null value will be returned.
      Specified by:
      setAttribute in interface IPortalScope
      key - Name of the attribute for which the value should be set (mandatory).
      attrValue - The value that should be set for the specified key (mandatory).
      The value that was replaced (previously present) by the set action.
    • getType

      public PortalScopeType getType()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will return the scope type of the portal scope implementation.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface IPortalScope
      The current scope type.
    • destroyDisposableObjects

      public void destroyDisposableObjects(IDisposeContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IDisposableScope
      This method is called when the scope is discarded.
      Specified by:
      destroyDisposableObjects in interface IDisposableScope