Interface IPortalEngine

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPortalEngine
The portal engine interface defines the main entry point for any portal application. Through this interface a client may create new sessions for a specified application.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns whether an application exists for the specified application ID.
    This method retrieves the application model for the specified application ID.
    This method retrieves the project meta data for the specified application ID.
    This method returns the names of the applications that can be accessed through this portal engine interface.
    getDefaultVersion(String applicationName)
    This method returns the default version for the application.
    getSolution(ApplicationID applicationId)
    This method retrieves the solution model for a specified application id
    getVersions(String applicationName)
    This method returns the versions that are available for the given application name.
    This method will ensure all the application caches are cleared for the specified application.
    resetCache(Version applicationsVersion, String[] applicationNames)
    This method will ensure the application caches are cleared for the specified application version.
    resetCache(String applicationName)
    This method will ensure the application caches are cleared for the specified application.
  • Method Details

    • getApplications

      String[] getApplications()
      This method returns the names of the applications that can be accessed through this portal engine interface. The returned array will always contain at least one application name.
      Array of strings containing the names of the application that are available.
    • getVersions

      Version[] getVersions(String applicationName)
      This method returns the versions that are available for the given application name. For each application name that is returned by the getApplications method, an array of at least one Version will be returned.
      applicationName - The name of the application for which the available versions are requested.
      Array of version objects containing at least one version.
      PortalException - This exception is raised when an unknown application name is passed as argument.
    • getDefaultVersion

      Version getDefaultVersion(String applicationName)
      This method returns the default version for the application.
      applicationName - The name of the application for which the default version is requested.
      Default Version object for the selected application.
      PortalException - This exception is raised when an unknown application name is passed as argument.
    • getApplication

      IApplication getApplication(ApplicationID applicationId)
      This method retrieves the application model for the specified application ID. When no application has yet been loaded, or when the application cache has been reset, this method will automatically load the application model from data source.
      applicationId - The ID of the application model that should be retrieved.
      The application model for the specified ID.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the application model could not be loaded.
    • applicationExists

      boolean applicationExists(ApplicationID applicationId)
      This method returns whether an application exists for the specified application ID. NOTE: In contrast to getApplication(ApplicationID) this does NOT load the application/project.
      applicationId - The ID of the application/project that should be checked.
      True if the application exists, false otherwise
    • getApplicationMetadata

      ProjectMetadata getApplicationMetadata(ApplicationID applicationId)
      This method retrieves the project meta data for the specified application ID. NOTE: In contrast to getApplication(ApplicationID) this does NOT load the application/project.
      applicationId - the ID of the application/project the meta data should be retrieved for.
      the project meta data, may be null
    • resetCache

      void resetCache(String applicationName)
      This method will ensure the application caches are cleared for the specified application. The next invocation of getApplication will reload the engine models from the data-sources.
      applicationName - The name of the application for which the models should be reloaded.
    • resetCache

      void resetCache(Version applicationsVersion, String[] applicationNames)
      This method will ensure the application caches are cleared for the specified application version. The next invocation of getApplication will reload the engine models from the data-sources.
      applicationsVersion - The version for the applications for which the models should be reloaded.
      applicationNames - The applications (with this version) for which the models should be reloaded. When null, reset the cache for all applications with this version
    • resetCache

      void resetCache()
      This method will ensure all the application caches are cleared for the specified application. The next invocation of getApplication will reload the engine models from the data-sources.
    • getSolution

      ISolution getSolution(ApplicationID applicationId)
      This method retrieves the solution model for a specified application id
      applicationId - The application model for the specified ID.
      The solution model for the specified ID.