Class LinkedRuleFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class LinkedRuleFactory extends Object implements IRuleFactory
Validator factory implementation that combines two validator factories.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • createFor

      public static IRuleFactory createFor(IRuleFactory factory, IRuleFactory defaultFactory)
      This method returns a rule factory implementation that combines both the rule factories that are passed to this method.
      factory - The rule factory that should be used first when requesting a custom rule (optional).
      defaultFactory - The rule factory that should be used when the first did not supply a rule implementation (mandatory).
      a rule factory implementation that combines both the rule factories that are passed to this method.
    • getConstraintRule

      public IConstraint getConstraintRule(IExternalRuleDS ruleDS, IMetaModel model, IExpressionParser parser)
      Description copied from interface: IRuleFactory
      This method is used to acquire a custom constraint rule for the definition.
      Specified by:
      getConstraintRule in interface IRuleFactory
      ruleDS - Data source containing the definition of the custom rule.
      model - The meta model of the application.
      parser - Expression parser that may be used to construct the custom constraint rule.
      Rule implementation, or null when no rule is available matching the definition.
    • getInferenceRule

      public IInferenceRule getInferenceRule(IExternalRuleDS ruleDS, IMetaModel model, IExpressionParser parser)
      Description copied from interface: IRuleFactory
      This method is used to acquire a custom inference rule implementation for the definition.
      Specified by:
      getInferenceRule in interface IRuleFactory
      ruleDS - Data source containing the definition of the custom rule.
      model - The meta model of the application.
      parser - Expression parser that may be used to construct the custom inference rule.
      Rule implementation, or null when no rule is available matching the definition.
    • getDataRule

      public IInferenceRule getDataRule(IDataRuleDefinition definition, IMetaModel model, IProject project, IExpressionParser parser, IConnectionManager connectionManager)
      Description copied from interface: IRuleFactory
      This method is used to acquire a data inference rule implementation.
      Specified by:
      getDataRule in interface IRuleFactory
      definition - the definition of the data rule.
      model - The meta model of the application.
      project - The project definitions of the application.
      parser - Expression parser that may be used to construct the data inference rule.
      connectionManager - The connection manager that may be used to construct the data inference rule.
      Rule implementation, or null when no rule is available matching the definition.