Class SourcedValue

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SourcedValue extends Object implements Serializable
This class holds the inference result for a single attribute. The inference result consists of the attribute name the result belongs to, the value that was determined and optionally the justification.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • SourcedValue Link icon

      public SourcedValue(String target, IValue attributeValue)
      Constructs an sourced value with the name of the attribute, and the value that was determined.
      target - The name of the attribute for which the value was determined.
      attributeValue - The value for the attribute.
    • SourcedValue Link icon

      public SourcedValue(String target, IValue attributeValue, String justificationId)
      Constructs a sourced value with the name of the attribute, the value, and a justification.
      target - The name of the attribute for which the value was determined.
      attributeValue - The value for the attribute.
      justificationId - The justification ID of the value.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getAttributeName Link icon

      public String getAttributeName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute for which the value was inferenced.
      the name of the attribute for which the value was inferenced.
    • getValue Link icon

      public IValue getValue()
      This method returns the value that was inferenced for the attribute.
      the value that was inferenced for the attribute.
    • getJustificationId Link icon

      public String getJustificationId()
      This method returns the justification ID of the inferenced value. The justification is optional, so this method might return null when no justification was provided.
      the justification ID of the inferenced value.
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object