Interface IElementParticleMappingDS

All Superinterfaces:
IParticleMappingDS, IReportingDS
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReportingElementParticleMappingDS, XmlElementParticleMappingDS, XmlElementParticleMappingDS

public interface IElementParticleMappingDS extends IParticleMappingDS
This interface defines an element particle of a type.
Arjan Pragt
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the name of the element particle.
      The element particle name, may be null in case of an element reference.
    • getElementReference

      IElementReferenceDS getElementReference()
      This method returns the reference to a global element. An element particle can have an elementreference, typereference or an inlinetype. If not an elementreference then this method should return null.
      The qualifiedName of the referenced element.
    • getAttributeName

      String getAttributeName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute storing the xml element content, may be null.
      The name of the attribute.
    • getSpecificForm

      SchemaFormType getSpecificForm()
      This method returns the specific schemaform of the attribute, or null.
      the specific schemaform of this attribute.
    • getTypeReference

      ITypeReferenceDS getTypeReference()
      This method returns the typereference of the element. An element particle can have an elementreference, typereference or an inlinetype. If not a typereference then this method should return null.
      The typereference of the element.
    • getInlineType

      ITypeMappingDS getInlineType()
      This method returns the inline type definition of the element. An element particle can have an elementreference, typereference or an inlinetype. If not an inlinetype then this method should return null.
      The qualifiedName of the referenced element.
    • isNillable

      boolean isNillable()
      This method returns whether the element is nillable according to the schema definition
      The isNillable value of the element definition
    • iterateValidations

      void iterateValidations(IFieldValidationVisitor visitor)
      This method iterates about the validations of the attribute.
      visitor - The visitor accepting the validations.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the validation could not be initialized with the provided data source.