Interface IWebServiceDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReportingWebServiceDS, XmlWebServiceDS, XmlWebServiceDS

public interface IWebServiceDS extends IReportingDS
This interface defines the methods that are needed to construct an ExposedService definition object.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the exposed name of the exposed service.
      The name of the exposed service, may not be null.
    • getSoapServiceConfiguration

      ISoapServiceConfigurationDS getSoapServiceConfiguration()
      This method returns the reference to a soap service. A webservice can have a reference to either a soap or rest service.
      The soapreference, or null if a rest reference.
    • getRestServiceConfiguration

      IRestServiceConfigurationDS getRestServiceConfiguration()
      This method returns the reference to a rest service. A webservice can have a reference to either a soap or rest service.
      The restreference, or null if a soap reference.
    • getModuleId

      ModuleID getModuleId()
      This method returns the optional module id the module that contains the service definition. Null may be returned when the service is defined in the main module.
      The module id of the module that contains the service, may be null.