Class ConstraintDefault

All Implemented Interfaces:
IBusinessRule, IInferenceRule, Serializable

public class ConstraintDefault extends Object implements IInferenceRule
Inference rule that determines a default value based on the possible values of the current domain. This inference rule is actually just a place-holder used to indicate that this type of rule should be executed, as the actual inferencing implementation can be found in the inference engine. This inference rule may not request the current domain, as that would lead to circular reasoning exceptions.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ConstraintDefault

      public ConstraintDefault(String target, IInferenceRule fallback)
      Constructs the constraint default for the specified target attribute with an optional inference rule that should be used as fall-back.
      target - The attribute for which the rule can determine a default value.
      fallback - The fall-back inference rule that should be used if this rule is not applicable.
  • Method Details

    • getFallbackDefault

      protected IInferenceRule getFallbackDefault()
    • getSourceType

      public SourceType getSourceType()
      Description copied from interface: IInferenceRule
      This method should return the type of the inference rule. The source type of a rule will determine the order in which the rule is invoked when The two most common source types of inference rules are:
      • System - A system inference rule is a normal rule which can safely be cleared and evaluated over and over again.
      • Default - A default inference rule is a rule that should be used when no other rules can determine a value. Rules of this type will be evaluated after all other rules have been processed.
      Specified by:
      getSourceType in interface IInferenceRule
      The source type of the inference rule.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: IBusinessRule
      This method returns the unique name for the business rule.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IBusinessRule
      the unique name for the business rule.
    • getRuleGroupNames

      public String[] getRuleGroupNames()
      Description copied from interface: IBusinessRule
      This method returns an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to. If the rule does not belong to a specific rule group, the returned value may either be null or an empty array. Rules that belong to a rule group will only be evaluated when one (or more) of the rule groups are active. Rule groups are sometimes referred to as rule clusters.
      Specified by:
      getRuleGroupNames in interface IBusinessRule
      an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
    • getSourceScopeObjects

      public String[] getSourceScopeObjects()
      Description copied from interface: IBusinessRule
      This method should return a list of objects that are required to be in scope in order for the rule to operate successfully. There are three kinds of object references that a rule may require to be in scope:
      • Type reference
        A type reference is declared by an entity name followed by an asterisk (*), for example Product*. Type references can be used when the rule uses information about the existence of instances of that type, for example when a rule contains COUNT( ALL Product ).
      • Named reference
        A named reference is declared by an entity name followed by square brackets containing the name of the instance that is referred. Named references usually refer to static instances that are declared in the metamodel, for example Product[Unica]
      • Direct reference
        A direct reference is declared by the entity name of the object that is referred to. A direct reference is a reference to an active object of the specified type. When a rule declares a direct reference, the object referred to must be of the same type of the object that the rule applies on. A business rule will be evaluated within its own context, and may thus not depend on active instances from other contexts like the current page. Only the object that triggered the rule will be available in the context. For example a rule calculating the age of a person by using the person.birth_date will declare a direct reference Person indicating that it depends on an instance of Person to be active.
      Specified by:
      getSourceScopeObjects in interface IBusinessRule
      An array which is never null but can be zero-length.
    • getTargetAttributes

      public String[] getTargetAttributes()
      Description copied from interface: IBusinessRule
      This method should return an array of attribute names that the rule applies on. When this method returns multiple attribute names, all attributes in the array should belong to the same entity type.
      Specified by:
      getTargetAttributes in interface IBusinessRule
      An array which is never null or zero-length.
    • getValueType

      public ValueType getValueType(String attribute)
      Description copied from interface: IInferenceRule
      This method should return the type of the value that will be returned by this rule for the specified attribute. The type information is used during initialization to validate if the result of the rule is actually assignable to the target attribute, and during runtime to convert the value if needed.
      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface IInferenceRule
      attribute - The attribute (short name, without the entity type) for which the type is requested.
      The type of the value this rule will return for the specified target attribute.
    • getJustificationTextId

      public String getJustificationTextId(String attribute, String justificationId)
      Description copied from interface: IInferenceRule
      This method returns the justification text id for the specified ID and format combination.
      Specified by:
      getJustificationTextId in interface IInferenceRule
      attribute - The name of the attribute for which the justification text is requested.
      justificationId - The ID of the justification.
      the justification text for the specified ID and format combination.
    • evaluateUsing

      public SourcedValue[] evaluateUsing(InferenceContext context, IRuleListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IInferenceRule
      Evaluates a rule using an inference context. The delivered sourced values are checked against the #getTargetAttributes and the inference engine will place these values in the profile.
      Specified by:
      evaluateUsing in interface IInferenceRule
      context - Mandatory inference context
      listener - the listener
      A sourced-value array which is never null but can be zero-length.