Interface IAggregateDefinition

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public interface IAggregateDefinition extends Serializable
The definition of an aggregate. An aggregate represents a certain grouping of entity definitions. The aggregate does not "contain" the entity definitions (the meta model "contains" them), it just groups them in different ways. Therefore, an aggregate doesn't contain entity definitions, but entity references. The definition of an aggregate consists of a unique name for the aggregate and a list of entity references.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method is responsible for indicating whether the aggregate contains the entity reference.
    containsMetadata(String metadataName)
    This method is responsible for indicating whether the aggregate contains the metadata given by its name.
    This method returns the entity reference for the supplied entity name.
    This method returns an array containing all the entity references that are present in the aggregate definition.
    This method returns the functional name of the aggregate as defined in studio.
    This method returns an array containing all the metadata entities that are present in the aggregate definition.
    getMetadata(String metadataName)
    This method returns the metadata for the supplied name.
    This method returns the name of the aggregate as defined in studio.
    This method returns the roles of the aggregate as defined in studio.
    hasAnyRole(String[] rolesName)
    Indicates whether this aggregate has any of the given roles.
    hasRole(String roleName)
    Indicates whether this aggregate has the given role.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the name of the aggregate as defined in studio.
      The name.
    • getFunctionalName

      String getFunctionalName()
      This method returns the functional name of the aggregate as defined in studio.
      The functional name.
    • containsEntityReference

      boolean containsEntityReference(String entityName)
      This method is responsible for indicating whether the aggregate contains the entity reference.
      entityName - The name of the entity for which the corresponding entity reference is required.
      true when entity reference is present, false otherwise.
    • getEntityReferences

      EntityReference[] getEntityReferences()
      This method returns an array containing all the entity references that are present in the aggregate definition.
      Array of all the entity references. Never null.
    • getEntityReference

      EntityReference getEntityReference(String entityName)
      This method returns the entity reference for the supplied entity name. If the entity reference is not found by name, the method returns (null).
      entityName - The name of the entity for which the reference is required.
      The entity reference or null
      UnknownEntityException - If the the entity name is null or an empty string.
    • getMetadata

      IMetadataDefinition[] getMetadata()
      This method returns an array containing all the metadata entities that are present in the aggregate definition.
      Array of all the metadata. Never null.
    • getMetadata

      IMetadataDefinition getMetadata(String metadataName)
      This method returns the metadata for the supplied name.
      metadataName - The name of the metadata.
      The metadata.
      UnknownMetadataException - if this aggregate doesn't contain a metadata with the given name
    • containsMetadata

      boolean containsMetadata(String metadataName)
      This method is responsible for indicating whether the aggregate contains the metadata given by its name.
      metadataName - The name of the metadata.
      true when the metadata is present, false otherwise.
    • getRoles

      String[] getRoles()
      This method returns the roles of the aggregate as defined in studio.
      The roles of the aggregate
    • hasRole

      boolean hasRole(String roleName)
      Indicates whether this aggregate has the given role. If this method returns true, then the given role will be present in the array returned by getRoles().
      roleName - the name of the role (may be null)
      true if this aggregate has the given role, false otherwise.
    • hasAnyRole

      boolean hasAnyRole(String[] rolesName)
      Indicates whether this aggregate has any of the given roles. If this method returns true, then at least one of the given roles will be present in the array returned by getRoles().
      rolesName - the role names (must not be null)
      true if this aggregate has at least one of the given roles, false otherwise.