Interface INodeVisitor

All Known Implementing Classes:
NodeDelegateVisitor, NodeVisitor, NodeVisitor, ReportingNodeVisitor

public interface INodeVisitor
This visitor is used to add sub-content to a content node. The content is either added inline or by a reference to an existing content item.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method may be used to add a container reference to an existing container element to the current content node.
    addContent(IReferenceDS reference, IContentDS datasource)
    This method may be used to add inline content to the current content node.
    addContentRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
    This method may be used to a reference to an existing content element to the current content node.
    addImageRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
    This method may be used to add an image reference to an existing image element to the current content node.
    addText(IReferenceDS reference, ITextDS datasource)
    This method may be used to add inline content to the current content node.
    addTextRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
    This method may be used to add a reference to an existing text element to the current content node.
  • Method Details

    • addContent

      void addContent(IReferenceDS reference, IContentDS datasource)
      This method may be used to add inline content to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      datasource - Data source providing the data needed to initialize the sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the content could not be added due to a fatal error.
    • addContentRef

      void addContentRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
      This method may be used to a reference to an existing content element to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      name - The name of the content item that should be included as sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the content could not be added due to a fatal error.
    • addText

      void addText(IReferenceDS reference, ITextDS datasource)
      This method may be used to add inline content to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      datasource - Data source providing the data needed to initialize the sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the text could not be added due to a fatal error.
    • addTextRef

      void addTextRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
      This method may be used to add a reference to an existing text element to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      name - The name of the text element that should be included as sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the text could not be added due to a fatal error.
    • addImageRef

      void addImageRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
      This method may be used to add an image reference to an existing image element to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      name - The name of the image element that should be included as sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the image could not be added due to a fatal error.
    • addContainerRef

      void addContainerRef(IReferenceDS reference, String name)
      This method may be used to add a container reference to an existing container element to the current content node.
      reference - Data source providing information specific for the relation between the parent content and the sub content that is added.
      name - The name of the container element that should be included as sub content.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the container could not be added due to a fatal error.