Class ExtXmlCrosstableDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
IReportingDS, ICrosstableDS

public class ExtXmlCrosstableDS extends ReportingDS implements ICrosstableDS
Cross-table data source implementation for custom match engine XML configuration.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: ICrosstableDS
      This method returns the (unique) name of a cross table. This name is the identifier which can be used to locate a match function from the IMatchEngine interface.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ICrosstableDS
      The (unique) name of the cross table / match function.
    • getDomainName

      public String getDomainName()
      Description copied from interface: ICrosstableDS
      The unique name of the domain this cross table is defined for.
      Specified by:
      getDomainName in interface ICrosstableDS
      The Id of the domain this cross table is defined for.
    • isSymmetric

      public boolean isSymmetric()
      Description copied from interface: ICrosstableDS
      When a cross table is defined as symmetric the match engine knows to check the upper half of the cross table to look for the reverse value if required.
      Specified by:
      isSymmetric in interface ICrosstableDS
      A boolean indicating the cross table is symmetric across the diagonal.
    • iterateDistances

      public void iterateDistances(ICrosstableDistanceVisitor distanceVisitor)
      Description copied from interface: ICrosstableDS
      This method should initialise the cross table with the correct distances. The addDistance method of the visitor can be invoked to add a distance.

      Note: The diagonal is ignored. (in the example house-house & office-office & barn-barn they are auto 100%)

      A crosstable is defined as such:
      Crosstable definition
      House Office Barn
      House 100 70 50
      Office 70 100 50
      Barn 40 100
      When iterating the distances the permutations and values in the tables are linked. one can omit values from the list. Default one can omit the exact matching values. ( i.e. house-house, office-office etc ) iterate in this example should call:
      • House-Office: 70
      • House-Barn: 50
      • Office-House: 70
      • Office-Barn: 60
      • Barn-house: 40
      Specified by:
      iterateDistances in interface ICrosstableDS
      distanceVisitor - The visitor which is used to register the cross table distances to.