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This function determines the size of a collection.


SIZE ( collection )
  • collection - A collection of attribute or entity instances. This can be an expression or a relation attribute for instance.

Return type

  • integer


Suppose you have a Parent and a Child entity, where Parent has a multivalued relation with Child via the relation Parent.has_Children. With this model the following instances are created:


Parent instanceChild instanceChild.nameChild.hobbies
Parent_1Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Parent_1Child_2“Rick”“Tennis”, “Dancing”
Parent_1Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”



  • if Parent_1 is active, SIZE ( Parent.has_Children ) = 3
  • if Parent_2 is active, SIZE ( Parent.has_Children ) = 1
  • without an active Parent instance, SIZE ( Parent.has_Children ) results in an error
  • if Child_1 is active, SIZE ( Child.hobbies ) = 2
  • if Child_3 is active, SIZE ( Child.hobbies ) = 3
  • if Child_4 is active, SIZE ( Child.hobbies ) = 1
  • SIZE ( ? ) = 0


COUNT and SIZE are similar except for UNKNOWN: COUNT ( ? ) = UNKNOWN



The UNIQUE function filters duplicate items from a collection. An expression resulting in a collection, never contains duplicate values. A subexpression however, can contain duplicates.


 UNIQUE ( collection )
  • collection - A collection of attribute or entity instances.


Suppose the following model.




  • COLLECT FROM ALL Person = "Kim”, “Rick”, “Bob” (a result never contains duplicate values)
  • SIZE ( COLLECT FROM ALL Person ) = 4 (a subexpression can contain duplicate values)
  • SIZE ( UNIQUE ( COLLECT FROM ALL Person ) ) = 3 (the collection holds three unique values)


This function returns TRUE if the items in a collection are all present in another collection.


 collection1 SUBSET OF collection2
  • collection1 - The collection that is tested to be a subset of the second collection.
  • collection2 - The collection that is tested to hold all the items in the first collection.

Return type

  • boolean


  • ('a', 'b', 'c') SUBSET OF ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') = TRUE
  • ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') SUBSET OF ('a', 'b', 'c') = FALSE
  • (Person.hobbies) SUBSET OF ([“Tennis”, “Soccer”, “Music”]) = TRUE if Person.hobbies = “Tennis”, “Soccer”
  • (Person.hobbies) SUBSET OF ([“Tennis”, “Soccer”, “Music”]) = UNKNOWN if Person.hobbies = ?
  • (Person.hobbies) SUBSET OF ([“Tennis”, “Soccer”, ?]) = FALSE if Person.hobbies = “Tennis”, “Soccer”
  • ('a', 'b', 'c') SUBSET OF (['a', 'b', 'c']) will result in an error.
Values between single quotes are considered value list items. For backwards compatibility reasons, a comma separated sequence of value list items is treated as a collection. That's why there is no need to enclose the values between square brackets. In fact if you do add the square brackets you create a matrix rather than a list.


Adds two collections of the same base type to a new collection.


 UNION ( collection1 , collection2 )
  • collection1 - First collection to be added to the new collection.
  • collection2 - Second collection to be added to the new collection.

Return type

  • collection


Suppose you have a Parent and a Child entity, where Parent has a multivalued relation with Child via the relation Parent.has_Children. With this model the following instances are created:


Parent instanceChild instanceChild.nameChild.hobbies
Parent_1Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Parent_1Child_2“Rick”“Tennis”, “Dancing”
Parent_1Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”


  • UNION ( Parent[Parent_1].has_Children , Parent[Parent_2].Has_Children ) results in a collection of all Child instances
  • UNION ( Parent[Parent_1] , Parent[Parent_2] ) = “Kim”, “Rick”, “Bob”, “Mary”
  • if Child_2 is active, UNION ( Child.hobbies , “Reading” ) = “Tennis”, “Dancing”, “Reading”
  • UNION ( Child[Child_1].hobbies , Child[Child_2].hobbies ) = “Reading”, “Dancing”, “Tennis”


This function determines the intersection of two collections. It returns a collection containing the items that are present in both specified collections.


INTERSECTION ( collection1 , collection2 )
  • collection1, collection2 - Collections to be intersected. These collections must be of the same base type.

Return type

  • collection


Suppose the following model. Entity Teacher has a multivalued relation with entity Child via the relation Teacher.teaches_Children.


Teacher instanceChild instanceChild.nameChild.hobbies
Teacher_1Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Teacher_1Child_2“Rick”“Tennis”, “Dancing”
Teacher_1Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”
Teacher_2Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Teacher_2Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”


  • INTERSECTION ( Teacher[Teacher_1].teaches_Children , Teacher[Teacher_2].teaches_Children ) results in a collection of Child instances Child_1 and Child_3
  • INTERSECTION ( Teacher[Teacher_1] , Teacher[Teacher_2] ) = “Kim”, “Bob”
  • INTERSECTION ( Child[Child_1].hobbies , Child[Child_3].hobbies ) = “Reading”
  • INTERSECTION ( Child[Child_2].hobbies , Child[Child_3].hobbies ) results in an empty list


This function returns a collection containing all the items from collection1 that are not present in collection 2.


DIFFERENCE ( collection1 , collection2 )
  • collection1, collection2 - Collections to be intersected. These collections must be of the same base type.

Return type

  • collection


  • DIFFERENCE ( [ "a", "b", "c"] , [ "c", "d", "e" ] ) = [ "a" , "b" ]
  • DIFFERENCE ( [ "nv" , "bv" ] , [ "NV" ] ) = [ "bv" ]
  • DIFFERENCE ( 1 , 1 ) results in an empty list


This function determines the symmetric difference between two collections. It returns a collection with the elements of the provided collections which are in either one of the collections, but not in both.


SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE ( collection1 , collection2 )
  • collection1, collection2 - Collections to be intersected. These collections must be of the same base type.

Return type

  • collection


  • SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE ( [ "a", "b", "c"] , [ "c", "d", "e" ] ) = [ "a", "b", "d", "e" ]
  • SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE ( [ "nv" , "bv" ] , [ "NV" ] ) = [ "bv" ]
  • SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE ( 1 , 1 ) results in an empty list

Collections vs. lists

UNIQUE, SUBSET, UNION and INTERSECTION return a collection of data, i.e. double entries are removed. However, COLLECT statements, + and - return a list of data. You have to be aware of this when using the SIZE or UNPACK function.


Statuses = ["a","b","c","d","a","b","c","d"].


The expression "SIZE ( COLLECT Status FROM {Statuses} )" will result in 8. Note that duplicates are not removed.

The expression "SIZE ( UNIQUE ( COLLECT Status FROM {Statuses} ) )" will result in 4, as the unique filters the duplicates.

When the expression is completely evaluated, all duplicates are filtered as well. Using COLLECT Status FROM {Statuses} as a default expression on an attribute, will result in 4 elements.



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