BlueriqChild | ||||||||
BlueriqChild(type, selector, options?)
Parameters :
BlueriqChild | ||||||||
BlueriqChild(type, selector?, options)
Parameters :
BlueriqChildren | ||||||||
BlueriqChildren(type, selector?, options)
Parameters :
BlueriqChildren | ||||||
BlueriqChildren(type, options?)
Property decorator for letting a component automatically query for elements with specified characteristics. The result is kept in sync with the page model as element updates arrive.
Parameters :
BlueriqChildren | ||||||||
BlueriqChildren(type, selector, options?)
Parameters :
BlueriqComponent | ||||
Decorator function to go along the Angular ComponentDecorator to specify the details of a Blueriq component.
Parameters :
bySelector | ||||||
bySelector(selector, options?)
Creates a component matcher from a CSS-like selector. Optionally allows for specifying a priority offset when the priority as computed from the selector is desired to be changed. For scoped components that are registered with BlueriqComponents.scoped, it is advised to use this function as it ensures the selector is only compiled once. Furthermore, any errors that may occur from the compilation of the selector become apparent during startup, instead of during the first time the component is in scope. Any errors that occur during the compilation of the selector will not be handled gracefully as would be the case when a raw string selector would have been used.
Parameters :
cleanup | ||||
Parameters :
getAngularComponent | ||||||
Given a Blueriq element, returns the Angular ComponentRef that was rendered for the element. This may be undefined, in the case where the element has not been rendered using BqElementDirective.
Parameters :
getBlueriqField | ||||
Parameters :
getFieldMessages | ||||
Returns a set of field messages as currently registered on the form control. This is different from using Blueriq's Field.messages in the sense that a form control's messages may include frontend validation results as the user is currently typing in the form control.
Parameters :
isBlueriqError | ||||||||||||
isBlueriqError(error: any, errorType?)
Determines if the error is recognized as BlueriqResponseError, optionally requiring a specific type of error. If an error is not recognized as such, it may be because of several reasons such as the following:
Parameters :
provideLocalStorage |
provideSessionStorage |