


Defines an interface for lifecycle events of Angular components, as dispatched for each component dynamically created for a Blueriq element.




Abstract destroy
destroy(session: Session, element: Element, component: ComponentRef)

Called during the OnDestroy.ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook of the host element of the actual component. Hence, this method is called after the OnDestroy.ngOnDestroy of the destroyed component itself is called.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
session Session No
element Element No
component ComponentRef<any> No
Returns : void
Abstract initialize
initialize(session: Session, element: Element, component: ComponentRef)

Called during the OnInit.ngOnInit lifecycle hook of the host element of the actual component. Hence, this method is called before the OnInit.ngOnInit of the created component itself is called.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
session Session No
element Element No
component ComponentRef<any> No
Returns : void

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