




Abstract attach
attach(listener: any, element?: Element)

Attaches a given listener to allow the BlueriqChild and BlueriqChildren annotations to be used inside of the listener instance. The element to attach to is optional, if not specified the current element is used.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
listener any No
element Element Yes
Returns : void
Abstract detach
detach(listener: any)

Detaches the listener from automatic querying. This should be called at least in OnDestroy.ngOnDestroy to cleanup the listener registration.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
listener any No
Returns : void
Abstract forElement
forElement(element: Element)

Returns a querying engine scoped from the provided element

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
element Element No

the element to scope the querying

Returns : BlueriqQuerying

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""