Interface IMovingContentManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
IChannelContentManager, IContentManager
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentManagerDelegate, DisposableChannelContentManager, DisposableContentManager, FileSystemContentManager, MemoryContentManager, PermanentChannelContentManager, PermanentContentManager

public interface IMovingContentManager
  • Method Details

    • getImplementation

      IMovingContentManager getImplementation()
      Method to retrieve the implementing class of the IMovingContentManager this method should walk any delegate to the original implementation
      Returns the implementing class of the IMovingContentManager
    • move

      GUID move(GUID id, IContentManager targetContentManager, IUserData user)
      Directly move content from one content manager to another using low level API.
      id - The id of the content, may not be null
      targetContentManager - The targeting content manager to move content to, may not be null
      user - The user that is moving the content, may not be null.
      Returns the new GUID that uniquely the moved content, never null.
      MoveContentException - if moving fails of any reason.
    • notifyMove

      void notifyMove(GUID id)
      Notify that a move has taken places on the IMovingContentManager.
      id - The id of the content that has been moved towards the content manager, may not be null
    • canMove

      boolean canMove()
      Indicator of the implementation of IMovingContentManager is able to directly move content
      Returns true it can directly move content.