Class PermanentContentManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
IContentManager, IMovingContentManager
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PermanentContentManager extends ContentManagerDelegate
  • Constructor Details

    • PermanentContentManager

      public PermanentContentManager(IContentManager delegate, String connectionName)
  • Method Details

    • create

      public GUID create(InputStream stream, String name, String contentType, Long processId, String caseId, CustomContentProperties properties, IUserData user, String... roles)
      Description copied from interface: IContentManager
      Add new content to the repository.
      Specified by:
      create in interface IContentManager
      create in class ContentManagerDelegate
      stream - The stream containing the data, may not be null.
      name - A name for the content, may not be null.
      contentType - The content type of the data, may be null if unknown.
      processId - The id of the process where this content is part of, may be null.
      caseId - The id of the case where this content is part of, may be null.
      properties - Custom properties that should be stored with the content, may not be null.
      user - The user who is considered the creator of the content, may not be null.
      roles - The list of authorized roles associated to this content, may not be null.
      Returns a GUID that uniquely identifies the content, never null.
    • canMove

      public boolean canMove()
      Description copied from interface: IMovingContentManager
      Indicator of the implementation of IMovingContentManager is able to directly move content
      Specified by:
      canMove in interface IMovingContentManager
      canMove in class ContentManagerDelegate
      Returns true it can directly move content.