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It is possible to put presentations style on various elements, e.g. containers, buttons, attributes, etc. A presentation style changes the manner in which the content is presented to the user. It does not change the content itself, or the structure of the page. A good example is emphasizing a piece of text. For this the TextEmphasis presentation can be used. This presentation style shows the intent of the business engineer, and the styling can react to this by for example making the text bold. On a project you may decide to not only make the piece of text bold, but also change the font size and color for creating the emphasis. By using such presentation styles, a consistent way of presenting content through-out the application is achieved.

Presentation Styles are not meant to be combined with each other. A style should unambiguously indicate how an element should be presented. Multiple presentation styles would easily conflict each other.

Note that some presentation styles are for interaction and domain elements, the other (larger) part for documents.

Document Presentation Styles

To model a document often presentation styles are needed. Presentation styles change the manner in which the content is presented to the user. A good example is emphasizing a piece of text, which can be done with presentation style TextEmphasis. The following list presents the supported presentation styles.

Blueriq comes with an example project "Documents" that contains a variety of presentation styles divided over three example documents. You can run this project and generate the documents to see the possibilities. When you find presentation styles that you want to use in your own project, you can open the Documents project in the studio to see how to apply them to get the desired effect.

LibraryNameDescriptionAssociated Content Style
AquimaPresentationStylesBoxEmptyAn empty rectangular box (tick box). This requires FontAwesome.
AquimaPresentationStylesBoxTickedA ticked rectangular box (tick box). This requires FontAwesome.
AquimaPresentationStylesCenterCenters the content of the content item.
AquimaPresentationStylesDottedSets horizontal line to show as dots. To be used only with HorizontalLine.
AquimaPresentationStylesFieldFormats the horizontal space that the content item takes with low placed dots. Used for (empty) forms.
AquimaPresentationStylesHeading_No_Heading_NumberingRemoves the numbering of a heading with content style Heading[X]Heading[X]
AquimaPresentationStylesLeftAlignedLeft aligns the contents of the content item.
AquimaPresentationStylesLineSpacingExtraIncreases the space between lines in a paragraph
AquimaPresentationStylesListBulletFormats a list as a bulleted list.
AquimaPresentationStylesListCapitalFormats a list with capital letters for enumeration.
AquimaPresentationStylesListCommaSeperatedFormats a list as a comma separated list.


Formats a list as a dashed list.
AquimaPresentationStylesListLetterFormats a list with letters for enumeration.
AquimaPresentationStylesListLetterPeriodFormats a list with letters for enumeration, period at the end.
AquimaPresentationStylesListNoSignFormats a list without any sign in front of the items.
AquimaPresentationStylesListNumberFormats a list as a numbered list.
AquimaPresentationStylesListNumberEmphasisFormats a list as a numbered list with emphasis.
AquimaPresentationStylesListPlusFormats a list with plus signs for enumeration.
AquimaPresentationStylesListPlusMinusFormats a list with plus-minus signs for enumeration.
AquimaPresentationStylesListRomanFormats a list as a roman numbered list.
AquimaPresentationStylesMaintain_SpaceSpaces are not ignored
AquimaPresentationStylesNewLineForces a new line
AquimaPresentationStylesPageShows current page number.
AquimaPresentationStylesPageFromToShows current number and total number of pages.
AquimaPresentationStylesPageToShows total number of pages.
AquimaPresentationStylesRightAlignedRight aligns the contents of the content item.
AquimaPresentationStylesRule_DashedPresents a HorizontalLine dashed _ _ _ _ _HorizontalLine
AquimaPresentationStylesRule_DottedPresents a HorizontalLine dotted ..........HorizontalLine

Presents a HorizontalLine double =======

AquimaPresentationStylesRule_SolidPresents a HorizontalLine solid _______HorizontalLine
AquimaPresentationStylesRule_GroovePresents a HorizontalLine as groove (3D effect carved, the opposite of ridge).HorizontalLine
AquimaPresentationStylesRule_RidgePresents a HorizontalLine as ridge (3D effect like it is coming out of the page, the opposite of groove).HorizontalLine
AquimaPresentationStylesTable_Brd, TableRow_Brd, TableCell_Brd

Displays a border around the table (unlike _Kdr, which displays borders throughout the whole table).

Table, TableRow, TableCell

Displays borders throughout the whole table (unlike _Brd, which displays a single border for a cell, row or table).

AquimaPresentationStylesTableCell_Automatic_CountDisplays a number in eachTableCell with this style, starting with 1 in the first cell and counting automatically.TableCell
AquimaPresentationStylesTableRow_BottomLineDisplays just the bottom line of a tablerow border.TableRow
AquimaPresentationStylesTextAttributeStyle for attributes.Attribute
AquimaPresentationStylesTextChangedStyle for changed text is green and underlined.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextExplanationStyle for explanation text is underlined.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextHeadingStyle for a heading text is bold.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextHeadingBigStyle for a big heading text is bold with larger fontsize.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextQuestionHelpStyle for question help text is italic.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextQuestionTitleStyle for question title text is bold.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextRemovedStyle for removed text is red and strikethrough.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextSmallStyle for small text has smaller fontsize.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextStandardStandard style for text.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextSubscriptSmall text placed low.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextSuperscriptSmall text placed high.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextTransparentText rendered invisible. Typically used to create whitespace that is the same size as other, visible, text.
AquimaPresentationStylesTextUnderlinedText underlined. Deprecated, consider using the TextEmphasisSubtle presentation style

Interaction Presentation Styles: Angular front-end

It is possible to put presentations style on various elements, e.g. containers, buttons, attributes, etc. A presentation style changes the manner in which the content is presented to the user. It does not change the content itself, or the structure of the page (Content style). A good example is emphasizing a piece of text. For the the TextEmphasis presentation can be used. This presentation style shows the intent of the business engineer, and the styling can react to this by for example making the text bold. On a project you may decide to not only make the piece of text bold, but also change the font size and color for creating the emphasis. By using such presentation styles, a consistent way of presenting content through-out the application is achieved.



Can be applied to


Legacy (MVC)




Displays buttons with a secondary chosen color-BlueriqTheme


Displays a container relative to its parent container on the right.


AllOptionsVisibleAttributeDisplays the options in a multivalued field with domain as checkboxes.

Can be used to animate statistic charts (like pie, bar etc.)animateBlueriqTheme

AutocompleteAttribute with value list

Can be used on a single-valued domain-list to have auto completion on a select.

Can be used in combination with multi-valued attributes to have a auto completion on a chiplist




Is used whenever something is displayed as a link and it must be displayed as button instead. (for instance: Document link)-BlueriqTheme



Inline text


DatepickerMaterialDate attribute







FlatButtonButtonIs used to display buttons without having a border and a transparent backgroundbutton_linkBlueriqTheme



Attribute with value list

Displays the content of a container horizontally.

Display the domain as horizontal options.
For single valued fields, radio buttons are used and for multi-valued fields checkboxes are used.





Inline text


IntroductionContainerDisplays containers as transparent with a small image in the top left corner-BlueriqTheme

LargeTextString attributeDisplays an input field as text-areamemoBlueriqTheme

PasswordString attributeAdd the password style on a string field that you will use as a password field to obscure the text in the input box.passwordBlueriqTheme



document_link (only in combination with Button)


StatisticPieFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a pie chartpieBlueriqTheme

StatisticBarFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a bar chartbarBlueriqTheme

StatisticDoughnutFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a doughnut chartdoughnutBlueriqTheme

StatisticRadarFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a radar chartradarBlueriqTheme

StatisticLineFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a line chartlineBlueriqTheme

StatisticPolarFor use with the AQ_Statistic* container typesDisplays a polar chartpolarBlueriqTheme



Inline text


SwitchBoolean attributeDisplays a checkbox as a slide toggletoggleBlueriqTheme



document_link (only in combination with Button)

Displays buttons with a tertiary chosen color.




Inline text

With this presentation style you emphasize a piece of text. In the default styling this will render the text bold.



Inline text

With this presentation style you subtly emphasize a piece of text. In the default styling this will render the text underlined.



Inline text

With this presentation style you intensely emphasize a piece of text. In the default styling this will render the text italic.


Displays containers as transparent.




Inline text


Example: Weight7

Container that has a dashboard_column Content Style

Elements in a container with Presentation Style Horizontal

Within a `Horizontal` container, children can have presentation styles like `Weight<number>`

If you have a child with `Weight3` and another child with `Weight1`, the total weight number would be 4. The first child will take 3/4th of the available horizontal space and the second child would take 1/4th.


Displays only a icon when used on a button.
No caption will be shown.


icon_exclamation_circle *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_exclamation_signAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_info_circle *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_info_signAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_times *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_removeAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_times_circle *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_remove_circleAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_clock_o *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_timeAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_exclamation_triangle *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_warning_signAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_sign_out *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_signoutAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_file_o *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_fileAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_file_pdf_o *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_file_pdfAquimaPresentationStyles

icon_file_image_o *1
A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display nameicon_file_imageAquimaPresentationStyles

 *1 : These icons represent font-awesome icons. This is without the prefix icon_ x and the lower-dash are upper-dash. Example:

  • Fontawesome icon: exclamation-sign becomes in Blueriq Encore: icon_exclamation_sign
  • To create a new presentation style for a Fontawesome icon in Blueriq Encore, copy the name of the icon you want and replace the Font awesome prefix 'fa fa-' with 'icon_' and replace all hyphens (-) with an underscore (_)


The version of fontawesome that is bundled with Blueriq is 4.4.0. There is no separate documentation page for this version, see for the documentation about 4.7.0.

When selecting an icon check to see if it is introduced in version 4.4.0 or lower.

  • No labels