This week is the 25 anniversary of the popular sitcom FRIENDS. The legendary "How You Doing" spoken by Joey is always on my mind while writing these words.

But really, how are you doing? holiday season is over, new plans are made for next year and all budgets are allocated these months. We have only one week left in the third quarter and have a roadmap ready for Q4.

Next week is our quarterly demo, to show everyone what awesome things we did the last quarter and what we achieved by putting so much effort in our work. We solved a lot of bugs and our first customers are migrating to Blueriq 12.

Partly, this is cause for celebration. However, it makes us also think about how to deliver value faster. we are really working hard to develop new features and fixing bugs as soon as possible in the lastest 11 and 12. But when not even a single customer is in production with our 12 version, it means that 90% of the effort we put in our work for the last 5 months haven't reached the customers. That's kinda harsh. Please reach out to us how we can make migrating easier, why is it so hard to do on your project? what's the reason you're still working on an old version? we're not developing on Blueriq 10 since one and a half year. it makes me a little sad to see this, because I see about 20 people working everyday to add value to our product. So again, please reach out and tell us your story, maybe we can learn from you or help you.

This concludes this weeks blog. We're really looking forward to hear from you.

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