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Reference guide: functions and expressions


LogicANDReturns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
ORReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
TRUEReturns the boolean value TRUE
FALSEReturns the boolean value FALSE
NOTReverses the boolean value of its argument
UNKNOWNReturns the logical value unknown
TextCONCATENATEJoins several text items into one text item
JOINJoins several text items into one text item, while placing a separator character between them
MATCHChecks if a string completely matches a regular expression
FINDReturns found characters if a pattern is found within text value
FIRSTReturns the first position where one text value is found within another
LASTReturns the last position where one text value is found within another
StatisticsAVERAGEReturns the average of its arguments
MINReturns the minimum of a specified value in a list or collection
MAXReturns the maximum of a specified value in a list or collection
COUNTCounts the number of instances in a specified collection
Date and TimeDATETIMEConverts a date in the form of text or a date object to a dateTime object
DATEConverts a date in the form of text or a dateTime object to a date object
ADD PERIOD TO DATEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a date
ADD PERIOD TO DATETIMEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a date
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and time
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATETIMESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and time
PERIOD BETWEENReturns the period (days, months etc.) between two dates, two dateTimes or a date-dateTime combination
YEARReturns the number of the year
MONTHReturns the number of the month
DAYReturns the number of the day in the month
HOURReturns the number of hours in a dateTime object
MINUTEReturns the number of minutes in a dateTime object
SECONDReturns the number of seconds in a dateTime object
TODAYReturns today’s date
NOWReturns the current date and time
CollectionSIZE collectionReturns the size of a collection
UNIQUE collectionFilters duplicate instances in a collection
SUBSET OFReturns a subset of a collection
UNIONCombines two collections into one new collection
INTERSECTIONReturns the intersection of two collections
MathADDAdds two numbers
SUMSums the specified values in a collection
SUBTRACTSubtracts two numbers
DIVIDEDivides two numbers
DIVReturns the integer portion of a division
MODReturns the remainder from division
ROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of digits
ROUND TO MULTIPLERounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
MULTIPLYMultiplies two numbers
PRODUCTMultiplies the specified values in a collection
POWERReturns the result of a number raised to a power
LESSCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is smaller than the other
LESS OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal or smaller than the other
GREATERCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is greater than the other
GREATER OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal to or greater than the other
EQUALCompares two values and returns TRUE when they are equal
NOT EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when they are not equal
ListEXISTSReturns TRUE if there is an instance that matches the specifications
ALLReturns a collection of all instances of a specified entity
COLLECT FROMReturns a collection for a specified entity
COLLECT FROM WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditions
COLLECT FROM NAMEDReturns a collection for a specified entity
COLLECT FROM NAMED WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditions
UNPACKReturns the content of a single-valued list
ConversionTEXTConverts a value type to string
INTEGERConverts a value type to integer
NUMBERConverts a value type to number
CURRENCYConverts a value type to currency
PERCENTAGEConverts a value type to percentage
DATEConverts a value type to date
DATETIMEConverts a value type to datetime
BOOLEANConverts a value type to boolean
More functionsISUNKNOWNReplaces an unknown value with a specified value




This function determines whether an instance of a specified entity exists meeting certain criteria.


EXISTS entity [WHERE condition]
  • entity - Entity to search for.
  • condition - Boolean expression that represents the criterion the instance has to meet.

Return type

  • boolean


Suppose the following data model.




  • EXISTS Person returns TRUE
  • EXISTS Person WHERE (Person.age < 18) returns FALSE
  • EXISTS Person WHERE (Person.gender = “m” AND Person.age > 35) returns TRUE


Use this function to create a collection of all instances of a specified entity.


ALL entity
  • entity - Entity of which to collect all its instances.

Return type

  • collection of entity instances


Suppose the following data model. The Parent and Child entities both have Person as base entity.


Parent instanceChild instance


  • ALL Parent returns a collection of Parent_1 and Parent_2
  • ALL Child returns a collection of Child_1, Child_2, Child_3 and Child_4
  • ALL Person returns a collection of Parent_1, Parent_2, Child_1, Child_2, Child_3 and Child_4


Use this function to create a collection of entity or attribute instances (meeting certain criteria).


COLLECT entity | attribute FROM collection [WHERE expression]
  • entity or attribute - Entity or attribute to collect.
  • collection - A collection of entity instances.
  • expression - Boolean expression that represents the criterion the instance has to meet.

Return type

  • collection of entity instances
  • collection of attribute values


Suppose the following model. Entity Teacher has a multivalued relation with entity Child via the relation Teacher.teaches_Children.


Teacher instanceChild instanceChild.nameChild.hobbies
Teacher_1Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Child_2“Rick”“Tennis”, “Dancing”
Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”
Teacher_2Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”


  • COLLECT FROM ALL Child results in a collection of the values “Kim”, “Rick”, “Bob” and “Mary”
  • COLLECT Child FROM Teacher[Teacher_2].teaches_Children results in a collection of the instances Child_1, Child_3 and Child_4
  • COLLECT Child.hobbies FROM Teacher[Teacher_1].teaches_Children results in a collection of the values “Reading”, “Dancing”, “Tennis”, “Painting” and “Basketball”
  • COLLECT FROM ALL Child WHERE (Child.hobbies = “Reading”) results in a collection of the values “Kim” and “Bob”
  • COLLECT Child.hobbies FROM ALL Child WHERE ( = “Mary”) results in a collection of the value “Football”


Use this version of the COLLECT FROM [WHERE] function for complex nested selections in which it is necessary to use an alias.


COLLECT entity | attribute FROM collection NAMED alias [WHERE expression]
  • entity or attribute - Entity or attribute to collect.
  • collection - A collection of entity instances.
  • alias - A name for the collection.
  • expression - Boolean expression that represents the criterion the instance has to meet.

Return type

  • collection of entity instances
  • collection of attribute values


Suppose the following model with only instances of entity Person. Person.hasChild is a relation from Person to Person.


Person instancePerson.namePerson.agePerson.hasChild
Person_2“Rick”38Person_3, Person_5
Person_6“Joan”34Person_3, Person_5


To retrieve all the parent names, we use this expression:

  COLLECT Person 
  FROM ALL Person 
  WHERE (Person.hasChild != ?)) NAMED Parent

This expression results in “Rick”, “Julia” and “Joan”.

To retrieve all children names, we use this expression:

  COLLECT Person.hasChildren 
  FROM ALL Person 
  WHERE (Person.hasChildren != ?)) NAMED Child

This expression results in a collection of “Kim”, “Bob” and “Sam”.

To retrieve all children younger than 15, we use this expression:

  COLLECT Person.hasChildren
  FROM ALL Person 
  WHERE (Person.hasChildren != ?)) NAMED Child
WHERE (Child.Age < 15)

This expression results in a collection of the instances “Bob” and “Sam”.

To retrieve the children’s names with a parent older than 40 years:

COLLECT Child.Name 
  COLLECT Person.hasChildren 
  FROM ALL Person 
  WHERE (Person.hasChildren != ? AND Person.Age > 40)) NAMED Child  

This expression results in a collection of “Kim”.

You can make it as complex as you like, for example:

COLLECT Child.Name 
  COLLECT Parent.hasChildren
  FROM (
    COLLECT Person
    FROM ALL Person 
    WHERE (Person.hasChildren != ?)) NAMED Parent
  WHERE (Parent.Age > 40 )
) NAMED Child 
WHERE (Child.Age < 18) 

This expression results in a collection of “Kim”.


Use this function to get the content of a single-valued collection.


UNPACK collection
  • collection - A collection of one entity or attribute instance.

Return type

  • entity instance
  • attribute value of any type


Suppose the following data model.




  • UNPACK(COLLECT FROM ALL Person WHERE (Person.SequenceNumber = MIN(COLLECT Person.SequenceNumber FROM ALL Person))) results in “Ron”
  • UNPACK(COLLECT FROM ALL Person WHERE (Person.SequenceNumber = MAX(COLLECT Person.SequenceNumber FROM ALL Person))) results in “Jenny”


Convert a value of one data type into a value of another data type using conversion functions. The following conversion functions are available:

  • from string to integer, number, currency, percentage, date, dateTime or boolean
  • from integer to string, number, currency or percentage
  • from number to string, integer, currency or percentage
  • from currency to string, integer or number
  • from percentage to string, integer or number
  • from date to string or dateTime
  • from dateTime to string or date
  • from boolean to string, integer or number


TEXT(integer, [format], [locale])
TEXT(number, [format], [locale])
TEXT(currency, [format], [locale])
TEXT(percentage, [format], [locale])
TEXT(date, [format])
TEXT(dateTime, [format])
TEXT(boolean, [format])
INTEGER(string, [format], [locale])
NUMBER(string, [format], [locale])
CURRENCY(string, [format], [locale]
PERCENTAGE(string, [format], [locale]
DATE(string, [format])
DATETIME(string, [format])
BOOLEAN(string, [format])
  • value - The value of the date type that is converted.
  • format - The format used for conversion. Format must be enclosed by quotes, e.g. “00.00”.
  • locale - Locale specifies a combination of language and country. A locale in the option set will override the one that is used as default in the project. Commonly used are en-US, en-GB, nl-NL, nl-BE, fr-FR. The list of language codes can be found here. A list of country codes can be found here.


  • TEXT(PERCENTAGE(1.2), “00.00”, “nl-NL”) results in a string value “01,20”
  • INTEGER(“1,0”, ”#0.0”, “nl-NL”) results in an integer value 1
  • NUMBER(TRUE) results in a number value 1.0000
  • CURRENCY(“1.2”, “invalidPattern”) results in a currency value 1.20 (an unknown pattern will be ignored)
  • DATETIME(“19861221 12:02:56”, “yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss”) results in a dateTime value 1986-12-21T12:02:56
  • BOOLEAN(“1”,”1;0”) results in a boolean value TRUE

Formats in the runtime

Each data type is defined in the runtime as follows:

  • INTEGER #0
  • NUMBER #0.0000
  • CURRENCY #0.00
  • PERCENTAGE #0.00
  • BOOLEAN true,1;false,0

E.g.: numbers will always be shown with 4 decimals.

More functions


This function replaces a value if that value is unkown.


ISUNKNOWN(attribute, value)
  • attribute - Attribute of which the value has to be returned if that value is known.
  • value - Value to return if the attribute value is unknown.

Return type

  • any type, equals the attribute type


Suppose the following data model.




  • for Jane, ISUNKNOWN(Person.SequenceNumber, 999) returns 999
  • for Mary, ISUNKNOWN(Person.SequenceNumber, 999) returns 667


Use this function to check the type of an instance. The function returns TRUE if the selected instance is of the specified entity.


instance IS A entity_name
  • instance - Instance to check.
  • entity_name - Name of the entity as string.

Return type

  • boolean


Suppose a domain model in which there is a singleton entity Residence that has a multivalued relation hasRooms with Room. Room is the base entity for singleton Kitchen and not singletons Bedroom and Bathroom.

If you want to determine the number of bedrooms is the residence:

  • COUNT(COLLECT Room FROM Residence.hasRooms WHERE (Room IS A “Bedroom”))

If you want to determine the number of bathrooms is the residence:

  • COUNT(COLLECT Room FROM Residence.hasRooms WHERE (Room IS A “Bathroom”))


Use this function to determine the type of an instance. The function returns the name of the entity.


TYPE OF base_entity
  • base_entity - Name of the instance's base entity.

Return type

  • string


Suppose a domain model in which there is a singleton entity Residence that has a multivalued relation hasRooms with Room. Room is the base entity for singleton Kitchen and not singletons Bedroom and Bathroom.

  • for the Kitchen instance the expression TYPE OF Room results in “Kitchen”
  • for the Bedroom instances the expression TYPE OF Room = “Bedroom” results in TRUE


This system attribute is obsolete since studio version 7.0. With the introduction of processes a new concept 'privilege' was introduced to replace the authorization concept. Therefor the system attribute was also replaced. For backwards compatibility reasons, after logging on to the runtime, the system.authorizationroles attribute will be filled with the user's privileges.

See also: Privileges


You can get the name of the current channel by using the system attribute This is a predefined system attribute, so you don’t have to create it yourself.

At run-time the system returns a string value with the channel you choose while logging on. This value is assigned to the attribute


You can get the name of the current language by using the system attribute system.language. This is a predefined system attribute, so you don’t have to create it yourself.

At run-time the system returns a string value with the language that you choose while logging on. This value is assigned to the attribute system.language.


You can get the name of the current page by using the system attribute system.currentpage. This is a predefined system attribute, so you don’t have to create it yourself.

At run-time the system returns a string value with the page name of the page you are on, this value is assigned to the attribute system.currentpage.


You can get the name of the current privileges by using the system attribute system.privileges. This is a predefined system attribute, so you don’t have to create it yourself.

At run-time the system returns a list of string values of the privileges that you choose while logging on. These values are assigned to the attribute system.privileges.


You can capture the parameters associated with an event by using the system attribute system.event. This is a predefined system attribute, so you don’t have to create it yourself.

At run-time the system returns the string values with the parameters associated with the event on the current page. This value is assigned to the attribute system.event.

Beside these user defined event parameters, there are some container types that come with their own built-in buttons. Some older1) containertypes can throw a 'default event' with associated event parameters. Standard container types with this behaviour are:


Container typeButtonAction
AQ_InstanceSelectorEdit_edit_instance, _edit_instance <entityName>, _edit_instance <relation_attr>
 Add_edit_instance, _add_instance, _edit_instance <entityName>, _edit_instance <relation_attr>
Not applicableCancel_clear_instance, _void


Even though some action labels are the same, the system handles them in a different way, this depends on the context. For instance ‘Edit’ will open an existing instance, ‘Add’ will create a new instance, however the action ‘_edit_instance’ is the same.

Special behaviour of the AQ_InstanceSelector

The AQ_InstanceSelector adds the following actions to system.event, depending on the action that was taken in the instance selector:

  • _add_instance: this action is added when a new instance is created
  • _edit_instance: this action is added when an existing instance has been edited
  • _delete_instance: this action is added when an instance has been deleted
  • _update_instance: this action is added when an instance has been updated

instanceType<entity name>: this action describes the entity of the instance that has been edited. For example, adding an instance of type Person puts the following actions in system.event: “_add_instance, instanceType_Person”

1) New container types (from release 7.0 and up) should not throw a default event with parameters but separate events for each generated button


  • No labels