Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


LAST returns the last character(s) of a string, based on the number of characters you specify.


Code Block
LAST integer CHARACTERS OF string
  • integer - A positive integer value. This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. LAST CHARACTER OF can be used to retrieve only the last character of the string.
  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string
UI Text Box

If you prefer a functional syntax, you can use the STR_BACK ( string, integer ) function. Example: STR_BACK("Blueriq", 3) = "riq"


If is an attribute of base type string with value “Thisfile_1.doc” and the integer attribute File.extension has value 3 then:

  • LAST File.extension CHARACTERS OF results in “doc”
  • LAST CHARACTER OF results in “c”


  • FIRST 2 CHARACTERS OF (LAST 6 CHARACTERS OF “pieceofcake”) results in “of”
  • LAST 3 CHARACTERS OF (FIRST 4 CHARACTERS OF “what's in a name”) results in “hat”


LENGTH returns the length of a string


Code Block
LENGTH ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • integer
UI Text Box

Spaces at the start of the end of the string are counted as well, the string is not trimmed.


  • LENGTH( "Blueriq" ) = 7
  • LENGTH( " Blueriq " ) = 9
  • LENGTH( ? ) = ?


UPPER returns a string with all characters in uppercase


Code Block
UPPER ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • UPPER( "hello" ) = "HELLO"

  • UPPER( "WORLD" ) = "WORLD"

  • UPPER( "hello world " ) = "HELLO WORLD "

  • UPPER( " hELLo " ) = " HELLO "

  • UPPER( ? ) = ?


LOWER returns a string with all characters in lowercase


Code Block
LOWER ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • LOWER( "hello" ) = "hello"
  • LOWER( "WORLD" ) = "world"
  • LOWER( "Hello World " ) = "hello world "
  • LOWER( " hELLo " ) = " hello "
  • LOWER( ? ) = ?


CAPITALIZE returns a string with the first character uppercased


Code Block
CAPITALIZE ( string )
CAPITALIZE ( string, lowerTheRest )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • lowerTheRest - An attribute of base type boolean, an expression that results in a boolean or a constant boolean value, indicating that the other characters need to be lowercased. This parameter is optional and if it is not supplied, the other characters are left untouched.

Return type

  • string


  • CAPITALIZE( "hello" ) = "Hello"

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello world " ) = "Hello world "

  • CAPITALIZE( " hELLo " ) = " hELLo "

    UI Text Box

    The input string is not trimmed, so in this case the first character is a space.

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello" , TRUE ) = "Hello"
  • CAPITALIZE( "WORLD" , TRUE ) = "World"

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello world " , TRUE ) = "Hello world "

  • CAPITALIZE( " hello " , TRUE ) = " hELLo "

    UI Text Box

    The input string is not trimmed, so in this case the first character is a space.

  • CAPITALIZE( ? ) = ?


TRIM strips the leading and trailing spaces from a string 


Code Block
TRIM ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • TRIM( "Hello" ) = "Hello"
  • TRIM( "Hello World" ) = "Hello World"
  • TRIM( "   Hello   World   " ) = "Hello   World"
  • TRIM( ? ) = ?


INDEXOF returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified substring in a string


Code Block
INDEXOF ( string , substring )
INDEXOF ( string , substring , startIndex )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the search for the substring should start (inclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The first character starts at index 0.

Return type

  • integer - the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring or -1 if it is not found


  • INDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" ) = 4
  • INDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" , 5 ) = 7
  • INDEXOF( "Hello world" , "a" ) =  -1
  • INDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" , 8 ) =  -1


LASTINDEXOF returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified substring in a string


Code Block
LASTINDEXOF ( string , substring )
LASTINDEXOF ( string , substring , startIndex )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the search for the substring should start (inclusive), searching backwards. This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value.

Return type

  • integer - the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring or -1 if it is not found


  • LASTINDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" ) = 7
  • LASTINDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" , 5 ) = 4
  • LASTINDEXOF( "Hello world" , "a" ) =  -1
  • LASTINDEXOF( "Hello world" , "o" , 3 ) =  -1


SUBSTRING returns the substring of a given string starting from the index provided and ending at the end index if provided, or the end of the string


Code Block
SUBSTRING ( string , startIndex )
SUBSTRING ( string , startIndex , endIndex )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should start (inclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The first character starts at index 0.
  • endIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should end (exclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The endIndex cannot exceed the length of the string.

Return type

  • string


  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 1 ) = "ello world"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 1 , 5 ) = "ello"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 0 ) = "Hello world"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 0 , LENGTH( "Hello world" ) ) = "Hello world"SUBSTRING( ? , 1 ) = ?