Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


LAST returns the last character(s) of a string, based on the number of characters you specify.


Code Block
LAST integer CHARACTERS OF string
  • integer - A positive integer value. This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. LAST CHARACTER OF can be used to retrieve only the last character of the string.
  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string
UI Text Box

If you prefer a functional syntax, you can use the STR_BACK ( string, integer ) function. Example: STR_BACK("Blueriq", 3) = "riq"


If is an attribute of base type string with value “Thisfile_1.doc” and the integer attribute File.extension has value 3 then:

  • LAST File.extension CHARACTERS OF results in “doc”
  • LAST CHARACTER OF results in “c”


  • FIRST 2 CHARACTERS OF (LAST 6 CHARACTERS OF “pieceofcake”) results in “of”
  • LAST 3 CHARACTERS OF (FIRST 4 CHARACTERS OF “what's in a name”) results in “hat”


LENGTH returns the length of a string


Code Block
LENGTH ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • integer
UI Text Box

Spaces at the start of the end of the string are counted as well, the string is not trimmed.


  • LENGTH( "Blueriq" ) = 7
  • LENGTH( " Blueriq " ) = 9
  • LENGTH( ? ) = ?


UPPER returns a string with all characters in uppercase


Code Block
UPPER ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • UPPER( "hello" ) = "HELLO"

  • UPPER( "WORLD" ) = "WORLD"

  • UPPER( "hello world " ) = "HELLO WORLD "

  • UPPER( " hELLo " ) = " HELLO "

  • UPPER( ? ) = ?


LOWER returns a string with all characters in lowercase


Code Block
LOWER ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • LOWER( "hello" ) = "hello"
  • LOWER( "WORLD" ) = "world"
  • LOWER( "Hello World " ) = "hello world "
  • LOWER( " hELLo " ) = " hello "
  • LOWER( ? ) = ?


CAPITALIZE returns a string with the first character uppercased


Code Block
CAPITALIZE ( string )
CAPITALIZE ( string, lowerTheRest )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • lowerTheRest - A boolean or An attribute of base type boolean, an expression that results in a boolean or a constant boolean value, indicating that the other characters need to be lowercased. This parameter is optional and if it is not supplied, the other characters are left untouched.

Return type

  • string


  • CAPITALIZE( "hello" ) = "Hello"

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello world " ) = "Hello world "

  • CAPITALIZE( " hELLo " ) = " hELLo "

    UI Text Box

    The input string is not trimmed, so in this case the first character is a space.

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello" , TRUE ) = "Hello"
  • CAPITALIZE( "WORLD" , TRUE ) = "World"

  • CAPITALIZE( "hello world " , TRUE ) = "Hello world "

  • CAPITALIZE( " hello " , TRUE ) = " hELLo "

    UI Text Box

    The input string is not trimmed, so in this case the first character is a space.

  • CAPITALIZE( ? ) = ?


TRIM strips the leading and trailing spaces from a string 


Code Block
TRIM ( string )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


  • TRIM( "Hello" ) = "Hello"
  • TRIM( "Hello World" ) = "Hello World"
  • TRIM( "   Hello   World   " ) = "Hello   World"
  • TRIM( ? ) = ?


SUBSTRING returns the substring of a given string starting from the index provided and ending at the end index if provided, or the end of the string


Code Block
SUBSTRING ( string , startIndex )
SUBSTRING ( string, startIndex, endIndex )

  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should start (inclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The first character starts at index 0.
  • endIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should end (exclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The endIndex cannot exceed the length of the string.

Return type

  • string


  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 1 ) = "ello world"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 1 , 5 ) = "ello"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 0 ) = "Hello world"
  • SUBSTRING( "Hello world" , 0 , LENGTH( "Hello world" ) ) = "Hello world"
  • SUBSTRING( ? , 1 ) = ?